Marketing environment and marketing management of universities in Ukraine: national and regional dominants
Article InfoVolume 15 2019, Issue #1, pp. 1-12
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The marketing environment of universities’ activities in Ukraine is changing dramatically. As a result, the system of chances and risks for universities is constantly changing. Therefore, timely detection of changes in the marketing environment and effective management ensure the competitiveness of the universities. The aim of the article is to identify the marketing environment dominants of the Ukrainian universities, as well as to assess the efficiency of marketing tools application in the system of universities’ management. On the basis of statistical and primary data analyses, the higher education market in Ukraine both at the state and regional levels has been assessed and the university’s dependence on market sources of funding has been substantiated. As the modern domains of the marketing environment of universities, changes in the distribution of state-funded places, the impact of external independent testing, and the intensification of competition between universities are determined. The influence of external independent testing on structural intersegmental changes concerning the choice of specialties of universities’ entrants is proved. The comparative characteristics of the marketing management tools in Ukrainian and Polish universities are considered. The obtained results outline the importance of strengthening the marketing orientation of management in universities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I22, I23, M31
- Figure 1. Dynamics of the registration and compilation of EIT in mathematics
- Figure 2. Number of enrolled in IHE of Dnipro in the specialty “Management” (undergraduate, full-time, 2018)
- Figure 3. The cost of one-year study on the specialty “Management” in IHE of Dnipro (undergraduate, full time, year 2018, UAH)
- Table 1. Main indicators of higher education in Ukraine
- Table 2. TOP-5 regions of Ukraine by the number of potential entrants in 2018
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