Public servants’ perception of leadership style and its impact on organizational commitment
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #4, pp. 319-333
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Lebanon is facing an unprecedented political and economic crisis. Consequently, the country now urgently needs more than ever committed public managers, more involved and more effective in their work responsibilities to enhance public sector performance and reduce the consequences of the crisis. Little research has been done on the role of leadership in promoting organizational commitment in the public sector in Lebanon. Thus, referring to the leadership full range theory, this study aims to investigate the association between leadership styles and organizational commitment with the mediating role of Leader-member exchange (LMX). It further aims to examine the relationships between gender, leadership style, LMX and organizational commitment in the Lebanese public context.
Data were collected via an online survey on a sample composed of 132 middle managers working in six public administrations in Lebanon. Linear and multiple regression analyses were carried out to test the direct and indirect effect of leadership styles on organizational commitment. The results indicated that both two styles of Bass are positively correlated with organizational commitment. The results also revealed a significant relationship between public servant gender and the quality of his relationship with the leader. Moreover, results showed that LMX doesn’t mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment, although it partially mediates the relationship between transactional leadership and organizational commitment. This study contributes to understanding of the mechanisms of developing organizational commitment through leadership styles. It also has implications for public service recruitment and training policies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M19
- Table 1. Demographics variables
- Table 2. Means and standard deviations
- Table3. Inter-correlations between study variables
- Table 4. Correlations between transformational leadership, transactional leadership, LMX and OC
- Table 5. Comparison between women and men’s perceptions about leadership, LMX and organizational commitment
- Table 6. Unstandardized coefficients for research models
- Table 7. Model summary
- Table 8. Regression results between the dimensions of leadership style and organizational commitment
- Table 9. Mediator effect of LMX between transformational leadership and OC
- Table 10. Mediator effect of LMX between transactional leadership and OC
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