Managerial competencies in the training of specialists in public and corporate management in Ukraine

  • Received August 2, 2022;
    Accepted October 14, 2022;
    Published October 21, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 20 2022, Issue #4, pp. 88-110
  • Cited by
    6 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The pandemic and war in Ukraine have significantly transformed management processes. This has led to increased requirements for managers’ professional and general competencies. Hence, the higher education system should be reoriented, considering new challenges and needs of the labor market. This study aims to identify the demand for current management competencies in the labor market for the positions of state and corporate management specialists and develop a theoretical and methodological basis for updating the standards of higher education in Ukraine. This paper employed statistical analysis and grouping to identify the demand for management skills in the labor market of Ukraine by processing 4,500 job advertisements at job websites. In addition, sociological and expert methods were used to confirm their demand among Ukrainian employers with an expert pool of 101 experts with more than 3 years of management experience. As a result, current management competencies are highlighted. The demand for them is confirmed by the high frequency in job advertisements (expertise in professional activities – 100%, leadership skills – 71%, digital skills – 65%, organizational and communication skills – 59% each, strategic skills – 52%) and by the expert survey. This made it possible to develop a model of management competencies, which is a theoretical and methodological basis for updating the standards. Furthermore, this comparative analysis revealed that there are no specific skills in the standards for master’s training.

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    • Figure 1. Classification of managerial competencies
    • Figure 2. Management competencies in international professional standards
    • Figure 3. The frequency of demand for managerial competencies in the labor market of Ukraine
    • Figure 4. The frequency of demand for managerial competencies in the labor market of Ukraine in terms of descriptors
    • Figure 5. The results of an expert survey on demand for managerial competencies in the labor market of Ukraine in terms of descriptors
    • Figure 6. Model of managerial competencies
    • Figure 7. Recommendations for the addition to the Standards of Ukraine by fields of knowledge 07 “Management and administration” and 28 “Public management and administration” to update managerial competencies
    • Table A1. Comparison of managerial competencies relevant in the labor market and declared in international standards
    • Table A2. Analysis of managerial competencies available in Standards by fields of knowledge 07 “Management and administration” and 28 “Public management and administration”
    • Table A3. Expert survey pool
    • Table A4. Summarized results of an expert survey of Ukrainian employers regarding the demand for managerial competencies
    • Table A5. The level of demand for management skills among employers in Ukraine, %
    • Table A6. Comparison of the management competencies of the study model and those available in Standards by fields of knowledge 07 “Management and administration” and 28 “Public management and administration”
    • Conceptualization
      Halyna Lopushniak, Ruslan Mylyanyk
    • Formal Analysis
      Halyna Lopushniak, Ruslan Mylyanyk, Anna Shandar, Olga Leontenko
    • Methodology
      Halyna Lopushniak, Ruslan Mylyanyk
    • Project administration
      Halyna Lopushniak
    • Writing – review & editing
      Halyna Lopushniak, Ruslan Mylyanyk, Vasyl Lopushniak, Olga Leontenko
    • Data curation
      Ruslan Mylyanyk
    • Investigation
      Ruslan Mylyanyk
    • Resources
      Ruslan Mylyanyk, Vasyl Lopushniak, Anna Shandar, Olga Leontenko
    • Software
      Ruslan Mylyanyk, Vasyl Lopushniak, Anna Shandar
    • Supervision
      Ruslan Mylyanyk
    • Validation
      Ruslan Mylyanyk
    • Visualization
      Ruslan Mylyanyk, Anna Shandar
    • Writing – original draft
      Ruslan Mylyanyk