Issue #2 (Volume 18 2019)
ReleasedAugust 07, 2019
11 Authors
15 Tables
8 Figures
- cluster analysis
- competencies
- differentiation of employers
- discriminant analysis
- efficiency
- global indeces
- graduates of economic HEIs
- indicators of social security
The methodological approaches to the staff performance management
The main theoretical approaches to the definition of the “personnel effectiveness” content are considered. To this end, a comparative analysis of the essential features of the concept by different scientists was carried out, the main common and distinctive features in the given definitions are described. In order to determine the role of the effective use of personnel in the enterprise management system, a statistical and correlation-regression analysis was performed based on the State Statistics Service of Ukraine data. The main components of the system for managing the staff performance are revealed, in particular, its purpose, object and both objective and subjective composition are substantiated. Based on the use of the system approach, the main directions of the formation of a system for managing the efficiency of personnel use are formulated. The scientific novelty of this research is in systematizing approaches to determining the meaning of the effectiveness of the use of enterprise personnel. The main elements and stages of the formation of a system for managing the efficiency of personnel use are specified. The practical significance of the article stems from the possibility of using the results of empirical research in further scientific developments from the outlined issues. The peculiarities of the dynamics of indicators of labor productivity, profitability of labor costs for enterprises in the Ukrainian economy are analyzed. The construction of a regression model, which expresses the dependence of added value on the indicators of the efficiency of personnel use, made it possible to reveal the importance of the formation of a personnel management system in the process of development of both individual enterprises and economic growth of the Ukrainian economy as a whole.
Assessment of the relationship between the tourism sector development and other sectors of economy
An assessment of a relationship between aggregated and partial indicators of the tourist sector development on one hand and other sectors of economy and society on other hand are investigated in the paper. Indicators are expressed in both direct monetary terms and rating scales. The study covers 149 countries in 2016. The results of the study indicate a positive relationship between the development of the tourist sector and the level of economic welfare of the country. This is explained by fact that tourist goods and services are subject of a second necessity and demand for they increases significantly with growth of income level. Found that there is a positive correlation between indicators of tourism sector development and indicators of quality of socio-economic environment. This may be due to fact that, on one hand, high quality socioeconomic environment stimulates visits to country; on other hand, travels stimulate growth of economy and welfare of citizens who live in territory that visited. Further analysis of aggregate of countries, divided into 4 groups by income, showed mixed results. Thus, a stronger correlation between all analyzed indicators is observed in low and high-income countries, weakening in transition to averages by a sample of values. However, such a weak relationship for some countries may be a consequence of a small share of the tourism sector in the economy. This paper differs from previous researches by focusing on a large sample of countries and reveals the relationship between tourism sector development indicators and socioeconomic environment indicators. One can speak of objectivity of results obtained, since they are confirmed both using Spearman’s correlation coefficient and Kendall’s Tau correlation.
Strategic approach to managing the quality of the services of the tourism enterprise
Modern competition in the tourism sector is characterized by extreme aggravation, a departure from price levers and, at the same time, a shift to quality and differentiation of services provided. Ensuring the competitive advantages becomes possible only by applying a strategic approach to managing the quality of a tourism enterprise activity. The main aspects of the strategic approach to the management of the quality of tourism enterprise services are investigated. Definition of quality of tourism services is specified. The main strategies that are most often used in the management of the quality of the tourism enterprise are identified, aimed at ensuring the compliance of tourism services with the requirements of normative documentation and aimed at ensuring the quality of the tourism product (service) in accordance with the requirements of consumers, their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Areas of improvement of quality management of tourism enterprises activity are proposed, the essence of which is the clear formulation of the mission of the enterprise, as well as strategic, tactical and operational plans; constant monitoring of the market, identification of changes in consumer requirements to the quality of the tourism product and the process of service provision; improvement of methods and forms of work with personnel of the organization; creation of an effective control system at the enterprise; application of the latest technologies and modern equipment; constant targeted search and use of quality reserves.
Differentiation of employers as potential partners of higher educational institutions
Nadiia Lysytsia, Maryna Martynenko
, Tamara Prytychenko
, Oleksandra Gron
, Inna Liakh
Employment of graduates of higher educational institutions (HEIs) is an important task worldwide. The main problems of employment are due to the existing discrepancy between the education re-ceived by graduates and the needs of business environment. The modern world should focus on the formation of graduates’ competencies in accordance with the demands of employers, which will pro-vide greater access to practical skills for students throughout the entire period of university studies. The purpose of the article is the differentiation of employers, analysis of their needs for graduates of economic specialties, readiness for partnership with HEIs. A survey of experts among employers and HEI professors allowed us to reveal the advantages of their social and professional partnerships and possible problems hampering the process of forming partnership relations. Discriminant analysis became the basis for classifying employers by the degree of their readiness to cooperate with HEIs. Three groups were employers are singled out: “business-focused”, “optimists” and “flagships”. Analysis of employers, taking into account their readiness to form partnership relations with HEIs, will contrib-ute to improving the quality of training personnel in business structures and HEIs.
Psychological aspects of social security in Ukraine
Negative trends in the social sphere and the social problems that exist because of this lead to a sharpening of state national security issues. At the same time, domestic and foreign scholars do not pay sufficient attention to the psychological component of social security, which characterizes the subjective assessment of the state of the social sphere development by the population. This very aspect of social security has become a basis for the formulation of the research goal as an analysis of the state of social security of Ukraine in a regional context in accordance with the system of indicators taking into account the psychological component. The main methods of the investigation are analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, cluster analysis method. The practical result is the definition of the main components of national security, special attention is paid to the analysis of the interpretation of the definition of “social security” by domestic scientists. The expediency of allocating the psychological component of social security has been substantiated. The list of social security indicators has defined in accordance with the methodological recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine, namely: the ratio of nominal wages to the subsistence minimum per working age person; the ratio of the size of the labor pension to the subsistence minimum of the disabled persons; the number of HIV-infected persons with the first diagnosis, persons per 100 thousand people); the number of patients with active tuberculosis with the first diagnosis, persons per 100 thousand people; level of crime. The so-called indexes of social tension have been added to this list, which take into account the psychological aspect of the population of the state, namely: arrears of wages; the level of payment by the population of housing and communal services; the level of registered unemployment; the number of employees who were in forced full-time employment. A cluster analysis of the regions of Ukraine has carried out on the basis of the listed social security indicators, which resulted in the definition of regions with high indicators of social security, namely: Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Luhansk, Odesa and Kharkiv regions.