Strategic approach to managing the quality of the services of the tourism enterprise


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Modern competition in the tourism sector is characterized by extreme aggravation, a departure from price levers and, at the same time, a shift to quality and differentiation of services provided. Ensuring the competitive advantages becomes possible only by applying a strategic approach to managing the quality of a tourism enterprise activity. The main aspects of the strategic approach to the management of the quality of tourism enterprise services are investigated. Definition of quality of tourism services is specified. The main strategies that are most often used in the management of the quality of the tourism enterprise are identified, aimed at ensuring the compliance of tourism services with the requirements of normative documentation and aimed at ensuring the quality of the tourism product (service) in accordance with the requirements of consumers, their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Areas of improvement of quality management of tourism enterprises activity are proposed, the essence of which is the clear formulation of the mission of the enterprise, as well as strategic, tactical and operational plans; constant monitoring of the market, identification of changes in consumer requirements to the quality of the tourism product and the process of service provision; improvement of methods and forms of work with personnel of the organization; creation of an effective control system at the enterprise; application of the latest technologies and modern equipment; constant targeted search and use of quality reserves.

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    • Figure 1. Формування стратегії управління якістю туристичного підприємства
    • Table 1. Динаміка туристичних потоків в Україні 2000-2017 рр.