Issue #1 (Volume 4 2008)
Innovative sales promotion techniques among Hong Kong advertisers - a content analysis
Kim-Shyan Fam , Lin Yang , Geoffrey Tanakinjal -
Consumer receptiveness in the development of a holistic communication strategy: trust, advocacy and brand ecology
Antonio Lorenzon , Luciano Pilotti -
A utility-based dynamic model used to predict abnormalities in diffusion over time
Gila Fruchter , Yair Orbach -
Measuring sport sponsorship effectiveness: links to existing behavior
Ron Garland , Jan Charbonneau , Terry Macpherson
"Echo Generation": switching costs and the relational approach in the banking industry
Raoul Graf , Fabien Durif , Mario Belzile -
Free trade zones and employment in a structuralist macro model
Tamal Datta Chaudhuri , Smita Nath -
Innovation and relationships in industrial districts: the case of Turkey
Özlem Özkanli , Erkan Erdil , Erdal Akdeve