How to prevent the fictivization of human capital: the experience of higher education in Poland
Article InfoVolume 11 2021, Issue #1, pp. 56-63
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Polish experience in the formation and use of human capital in education, the factors of its fictivization in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was investigated, priority problems were identified (low level of access to quality educational services for the majority of the population; corruption, which creates conditions for obtaining a level of education and qualifications that are not confirmed by real knowledge; there is no culture of lifelong learning; the need to adapt the education system to the conditions of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.) and the directions of implementation of the Polish experience into the activities of educational institutions in Ukraine. The positions of Ukrainian and Polish universities in international educational rankings as well as the factors that determine them were analyzed. It is determined that in order to limit the processes of fictivization of the human capital, it is necessary, first of all, to: improve the quality of educational services and the competitiveness of universities, increase access to education for various social groups, fight corruption and adapt the education system to distance learning. The development of international cooperation and the expansion of the presence of universities in international rankings is also important; improving the competitiveness of graduates in the domestic and international labour markets; attracting international investment to improve resource provision.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, I25, O15, H75
- Table 1. Пріоритетні проблеми та напрями впровадження польського досвіду у діяльність навчальних закладів в Україні
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- Table 4. Топ-5 польських та українських університетів у рейтингу The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
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