Organization of labor processes in an unstable global ecosystem
Article InfoVolume 11 2021, Issue #1, pp. 43-55
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The pandemic has adjusted employment processes and accelerated the destabilization of the latter, forcing countries to step up the use of digital economy opportunities to support business activity during forced job cuts and pandemic restrictions. The aim of the article is to develop post-pandemic recommendations and scenarios for the organization of labor processes in the direction of strengthening the effective operation of companies in possible crises. The key reasons for the instability of modern labor processes are analyzed, the main world practices of legislative consolidation of telework, which are aimed at reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business processes and labor relations, are studied. The need for changes in the organization of modern labor processes and the development of regulations for the organization of labor activity in the new socio-economic conditions is emphasized. The main components of labor process regulations are identified: state policy and regulatory regulation (the degree of readiness to return to normal work and its evaluation at the national and regional levels), personnel component (occupational health, safe working conditions, planning and regulation of production activities), operational component (business processes and benchmarks, cybersecurity and data confidentiality), commercial component (protocols of interaction of participants in production processes, integration of employees on security issues).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E24, F01, I31, J22, J28
- Table 1. Світова практика законодавчого закріплення основних аспектів дистанційної роботи
- Table 2. Функції роботодавця щодо встановлення внутрішніх правил трудового розпорядку під час організації трудової діяльності у нових умовах
- Table 3. Комплекс заходів щодо недопущення випадків дискримінації працівників або членів їх сімей, інфікованих COVID-19
- Table 4. Складові регламентів організації трудової діяльності за нових соціоекономічних умов
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