Growing discoordination between monetary and fiscal policies in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 14 2019, Issue #2, pp. 40-49
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The slowdown in economic development caused by the reduction in the efficiency of the functioning of state institutions determined the focus of the governments of most countries of the world on achieving sustainable economic growth, as well as ensuring macroeconomic and macrofinancial stability. A major issue that is dealt with is the weakening of the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies in Ukraine. It can be assumed that one of the reasons hindering economic growth is growing discoordination between monetary and fiscal policies. The purpose of this study is to assess the nature of monetary and fiscal policies in Ukraine in 2000–2017 and justify the need for coordination between them to stimulate economic growth. For the quantitative assessment of the influence of monetary and fiscal factors on GDP, the models of autoregression with distributed lags – ARDL are used. The analysis makes it possible to distinguish and characterize three stages of combining the rigid and stimulating monetary and fiscal policy in Ukraine in 2000–2017. The article examines the influence of the dynamics of the monetary aggregate M3, the inflation rate and the weighted average base interest rate on the growth rates of real GDP in Ukraine, the impact of using the “monetary clamp” effect on the increase in the NBU’s interest rate, and the direct effect of monetary factors on the fiscal policy. The authors conclude that the inconsistency of monetary and fiscal policies is one of the reasons for the high volatility of macroeconomic indicators. The article substantiates the conclusion that it is necessary to overcome the increasing antagonism between monetary and fiscal policies in Ukraine and to strengthen their coordination.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E58, Е61 Е69
- Figure 1. Graphic presentation of the real GDP growth rate and the dynamics of the key monetary indicators of Ukraine in 2000–2017
- Figure 2. Graphic presentation of real GDP growth rate and the dynamics of the key fiscal indicators of Ukraine in 2000–2017
- Table 1. The dynamics of the key macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine in 2000–2017
- Table 2. The stages of the implementation of monetary and fiscal policies in Ukraine in 2000–2017
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