Greening the UAE workforce: Can green human resource management and domestic environmental regulations support green innovation at the workplace?
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 593-604
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aimed to investigate how legal regulations mediated the relationship between green human resource management (GHRM) practices and innovation in organizations. It assessed the impact of GHRM on employees’ commitment to environmental sustainability through training and communication. Additionally, the study examined how employees’ environmental values influenced their innovative behavior within the organizational context. The study used structural equation modeling and multigroup analysis. A survey was conducted among 246 employees aged 20-59 years and employed in transportation (Etihad Airways and Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority), tourism (Burj Khalifa, Jumeirah Group, Sheraton, and Hilton), energy and utilities (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Masdar City, and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company), development (Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities, Research Technology and Innovation Parks, and National Health Authority), and agriculture (Agthia Group, Badia Farms, Al Dahra, and Al Rawabi) sectors. GHRM practices significantly affected employees’ attitudes and behaviors, fostering their engagement in sustainability initiatives. Environmentally conscious employees favored creative and sustainable work practices. Domestic legal regulations and organizational practices enhanced the innovative response. Moreover, younger pro-environmentalist employees demonstrated increased receptivity to GHRM practices compared to older employees. In conclusion, GHRM contributed to economic diversification in the UAE by fostering a workforce skilled in sustainable practices, attracting talent to support emerging industries, aligning with economic reforms, and enhancing the overall reputation of the country as a hub for sustainable and diversified economic activities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M14, M54, Q55
- Figure 1. Proposed model
- Figure 2. Structural model
- Table 1. Participants’ demographics
- Table 2. Reliability measures
- Table 3. Fornell’s matrix (Validity)
- Table 4. Outer loading and VIF
- Table 5. Hypotheses validation
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