Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- management
Article InfoVolume 19 2020, Issue #2, pp. 33-43
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Competitive advantage of any successful company is qualified personnel and intellectual capital. Thus, the work of HR-management specialists significantly affects the formation of human resources potential and hence the competitiveness of modern enterprises. In conditions of information economics, information about HR managers is in demand. Together with professional competences HR managers should use emotional intelligence which can help them to achieve success. Gender specifics of economic specialty students emotional intelligence is not studied enough that substantiates the topicality of the article. In connection with the above mentioned, research related to the study of key professional competencies and emotional intelligence of HR- managers is of particular importance. New technologies for managing behavior of employees appear every decade. As a result, new models of managerial behavior are becoming necessary, which would contribute to the development of new mechanisms for managing people. The aim of the article is to identify gender specifics of the emotional intelligence of economic specialty students as potential workers in the field of HR- management. The object of the research is phenomenon of emotional intelligence in the process of HR management. Hall’s methodology was used to assess students’ emotional intelligence. Results of emotional intelligence research conducted by Hall’s methodology allowed the authors to determine practical value of gender specifics of emotional intelligence in HR management. Gender specifics of such components of emotional intelligence (EI) as emotional awareness, management of own emotions, self-motivation, empathy, management of others’ emotions, general emotional intelligence have been analyzed. Cluster analysis has been made and allowed the authors to reveal groups of clusters among students with gender specifics of EI which may be regarded as resource for successful HR- management.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J16
- Figure 1. Emotional awareness (in %)
- Figure 2. Management of own emotions (in %)
- Figure 3. Self-motivation (in %)
- Figure 4. Empathy (in %)
- Figure 5. Management of others’ emotions (in %)
- Figure 6. General emotional intelligence (in %)
- Table 1. Group clusters of students who differ in degree of components’ development of EI
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