The impact of emotional intelligence, employee empowerment and cultural intelligence on commercial bank employees’ job satisfaction
Article InfoVolume 16 2021 , Issue #4, pp. 11-21
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This paper aims to examine the impact of emotional intelligence (EQ), employee empowerment (EE), and cultural intelligence (CQ) on commercial bank employees’ job satisfaction in Bangladesh. For this purpose, a survey questionnaire was developed based on pre-tested constructs. The study used a convenience sampling technique, supplemented by a non-probability sampling method. 200 bank employees were invited to participate in the survey; finally, 130 responses were received as fully complete, with a 65% response rate. Hence, the sample size is n = 130. Cronbach’s alpha value was used to determine the internal consistency of the study constructs. SPSS version 26.0 was used to analyze the correlation test and hypotheses test. The findings show that emotional intelligence (EQ) with a beta (β) value of 0.510 has a statistical and positive effect on bank employees’ job satisfaction. Also, employee empowerment (EE) with a beta value of (β) 0.418 and cultural intelligence (CQ) with a beta (β) of 0.372 were found to be significant predictors of job satisfaction. This indicates that bank managers should utilize EQ and CQ to increase bank employee satisfaction and focus on employee engagement at the workplace. According to the study, if bank employees become more emotionally stable and culturally intelligent at their workplace, they will be more satisfied with their current jobs. Besides, if bank employees are given more opportunities to carry out their job responsibilities, they will be more satisfied with their jobs. The paper outlines several significant implications for commercial bank managers and offers some notable directions for future research.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J28, M12
- Figure 1. Research model of the study
- Figure 2. Analysis of the regression coefficient result
- Table 1. Demographic information
- Table 2. Regression analysis
- Table 3. Summary of hypotheses testing
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