Future trends in Fintech and sustainability: Empirical study
Article InfoVolume 21 2024, Issue #3, pp. 51-63
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study delves into the potential direct impact of Fintech adoption, regulatory environment, technological infrastructure, and customer trust on the competitiveness of Fintech solutions. The study employs a questionnaire to gather data from 228 respondents in Jordan aged 18 or older, who were aware of Fintech and were selected through social media and other relevant channels. The outcomes from the Smart PLS path analysis reveal that Fintech adoption significantly impacts the competitiveness of Fintech solutions, supported by regulatory influence and technological infrastructure. Customer trust is crucial, fostering competitiveness through security, transparency, and reliability in Fintech services. Notably, the study contributes theoretical insights by underscoring the pivotal role of cultural acceptance in the dynamics of Fintech adoption and trust. From a practical standpoint, the findings suggest the formulation of tailored strategies for diverse markets, with an emphasis on trust, and an adaptation of product development to align with cultural nuances. However, the study acknowledges limitations and underscores the importance of longitudinal and comparative research to comprehensively grasp the cultural influences on Fintech.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G10, G21
- Figure 1. Research model
- Table 1. Measures sources
- Table 2. Construct and measures
- Table 3. Validity and reliability estimates
- Table 4. Path coefficients – mean, STDEV, T-values, P-values
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