Enhancing customer value co-creation through online brand interactivity: A comparative analysis of search-hedonic and experience-hedonic products
Article InfoVolume 21 2025, Issue #1, pp. 105-118
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study investigates how online brand interactivity fosters customer value co-creation, a collaborative process in which consumers actively contribute to co-creating value, by enhancing brand experiences at both individual and community levels. Specifically, the study compares the influence of online brand interactivity on customer value co-creation for two types of hedonic products: search-hedonic (Polygon) and experience-hedonic (Vespa) products in Indonesia. Employing a quantitative methodology, data were gathered from 836 active social media participants engaged in these brand communities through a structured online survey. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to examine the relationships between online brand interactivity, individual and community brand experiences, and customer value co-creation.
The findings reveal that online brand interactivity significantly enhances both individual and community brand experiences (β = 0.523 and β = 0.599, respectively), which, in turn, drive customer value co-creation (β = 0.147 and β = 0.446). Furthermore, the results indicate that the impact of online brand interactivity is stronger for search-hedonic products compared to experience-hedonic products. This suggests that product type moderates the effect of interactivity on brand experiences and, consequently, on customer value co-creation. These insights underscore the importance of customizing brand interactivity strategies according to product characteristics to optimize customer value co-creation, particularly within the hedonic product market.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, O31, O32
- Figure 1. Research framework
- Figure 2. Path coefficient, p-value, and coefficient determination
- Table 1. Indicators loading and construct reliability
- Table 2. Indicator of multicollinearity
- Table 3. Hypotheses test
- Table 4. Multigroup analysis of product characteristics
- Table А1. Convergent validity
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