Sustaining small and medium-sized enterprises through financial awareness, access to digital finance in South Africa
Article InfoVolume 20 2023, Issue #1, pp. 317-327
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have several critical challenges that threaten their capacity to survive and thrive. However, access and awareness to digital platform is fundamental to moderate the financial costs and develop financial productivity and sustain SMEs financially. Considering this, the purpose of this study is to get empirical information on the level of management awareness and usage of digital platforms in SMEs in South Africa. The methodological framework included a quantitative research strategy and positivist paradigm. Purposive sampling was utilized to collect data from 321 out of 700 SMEs owners, and the Cochran formula was used to explain the sample size. There were 321 surveys sent out, and 304 were filled out and returned (95% response rate). Descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlation, and regression analyses from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences were used. The results of Pearson’s correlation coefficient establish a statistically significant relationship between access to digital finances and SME Sustainability (r = 0.334), as well as a statistically significant relationship between financial awareness and SME Sustainability (r = 0.549). The findings alert SMEs managers of the need to improve their digital platforms awareness in order to meet current financial demands and make better informed financial choices to improve company success. The results explain the advantages of trading using many digital platforms available in the country to improve the performance of their enterprises.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E42, M13, G20
- Table 1. Analysis of responses to survey questions
- Table 2. Correlation between financial awareness and SME sustainability
- Table 3. Linear regression
- Table 4. Correlation between access to digital finances and SME sustainability
- Table 5. Linear regression
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