Digital transformation of relocated higher education institutions in Ukraine under martial law
Article InfoVolume 23 2025, Issue #2 (spec. issue), pp. 71-85
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has profoundly disrupted the higher education landscape, compelling numerous institutions to adapt to unprecedented challenges. This study investigates the resilience and adaptive strategies of relocated higher education institutions under martial law, focusing on Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. The analysis emphasizes the critical role of digital transformation in sustaining academic operations amidst displacement. Methodologically, the study integrates qualitative interviews and quantitative analysis, exploring how cloud technologies, learning management systems, and AI-driven chatbots contributed to continuity in education. The results reveal that digital platforms ensured accessibility to educational resources, increased student engagement, and enhanced institutional resilience. Over 85% of surveyed participants identified learning management systems’ platforms as pivotal in maintaining educational quality, while AI chatbots were instrumental during crises, offering real-time communication and support even during power outages. Additionally, cloud-based solutions enabled the preservation of critical data and ensured uninterrupted access to academic resources, facilitating smooth transitions for both faculty and students. The findings underline that digital transformation not only mitigates immediate disruptions but also fosters long-term innovation in higher education institutions operating in war zones. This study offers valuable insights into how relocated institutions can leverage digital tools to build resilience, sustain educational quality, and adapt to evolving challenges in war-affected regions.
We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for allowing us to engage in scientific research. This work was supported by the project “Supporting the cooperation of the University of Opole with Ukrainian universities within the FORTHEM Alliance 2024.”
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I23, I21, O33
- Figure 1. User activity in university Moodle during the 2023/2024 academic year
- Figure 2. Activity in university Moodle by components
- Figure 3. The content structure of the materials of the institutional repository
- Figure 4. Geography of students’ connections to Zoom in real time
- Table 1. Dynamics of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University contingent, 2019–2024, person
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