Commercialization of intellectual property objects in industrial enterprises
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #3, pp. 465-477
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Introducing the results of innovative activity into economic circulation is one of the essential characteristics of an effective industrial enterprise. Commercializing intellectual property objects involves coordinated production and commercial activity, adopting and implementing scientifically based decisions. This is necessary to successfully pass an intellectual product through all stages of its life cycle.
The purpose of this study is to form market processes for commercializing intellectual property objects at industrial enterprises, finding the most effective option for their introduction into economic circulation.
The theoretical investigation of the problem made it possible to identify and analyze various possible conceptual approaches to commercializing intellectual property in an industrial enterprise. Among them are market push, market pull, engineering, and reengineering commercialization models.
Separate stages of forming the market model for commercializing intellectual property in an industrial enterprise are highlighted. First, the methodological principles of the vertical, horizontal, and vertical-horizontal market processes of intellectual property commercialization have been developed. The peculiarities of an intellectual product’s life cycle are determined; based on this, a market model of intellectual property’s life cycle (model of successive changes) is proposed. Finally, for each of the proposed market processes, the main advantages and disadvantages of their practical use are determined, as well as the areas of their most effective usage.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М31, О32, О33
- Figure 1. Stages of commercialization of intellectual property objects in an industrial enterprise
- Figure 2. Vertical commercialization of intellectual property objects
- Figure 3. Horizontal commercialization of intellectual property objects
- Figure 4. Vertical-horizontal commercialization of intellectual property objects
- Figure 5. Market model of the life cycle of intellectual property (the market process of successive changes)
- Table 1. Economic prerequisites for using vertical commercialization of intellectual property objects
- Table 2. Economic prerequisites of horizontal commercialization of intellectual property objects
- Table 3. Economic characteristics of vertical-horizontal commercialization of intellectual property objects
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