Change in the quality of life in different countries of the world: Assessment on the EQLS database


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The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) is a tool that assesses quality of life across different aspects. Monitoring the quality-of-life indicators in times of crisis and post-crisis is crucial for human resource management as the quality-of-life indicators provide valuable insights into the well-being and needs of employees. The study aimed to examine the impact of social and economic changes on the selected quality of life areas of the EU population by analyzing data from the ESQL of 2016 and 2020. It was found that the average EU life satisfaction score went down. In 2020, the EU optimism average dropped when compared to 2016. According to 2020 survey data, EU citizens found coping with life’s challenges harder than in 2016. The EU average regarding the difficulty of dealing with essential issues in life increased by 1.5% in 2020 compared to 2016. The time needed to get back to normality after some mishaps was also investigated. The EU average regarding subjective feelings of tension rose by 7.4%. In comparison to 2016, depression and downheartedness grew stronger across the EU nations and the EU average in 2020. The average value increased by 6.8%. The changes may provide insights into the effects of social and economic trends on people’s well-being across Europe.

The paper is written under the project Multiplier effects of human capital quality on economic performance and competitiveness of the Slovak economy and supported by the Grant Agency VEGA of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic [No. 1/0357/21].

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    • Figure 1. How satisfied are you with your life these days?
    • Figure 2. Optimism about own future
    • Figure 3. I find it difficult to deal with important problems that come up in my life
    • Figure 4. When things go wrong in my life, it generally takes me a long time to get back to normal
    • Figure 5. I have felt particularly tense
    • Figure 6. I have felt downhearted and depressed
    • Table 1. How satisfied are you with your life these days?
    • Table 2. Optimism about one’s own future
    • Table 3. I find it difficult to deal with important problems that come up in my life
    • Table 4. When things go wrong in my life, it generally takes me a long time to get back to normal
    • Table 5. I have felt particularly tense
    • Table 6. I have felt downhearted and depressed
    • Data curation
      Eva Živčicová, Monika Gullerová
    • Funding acquisition
      Eva Živčicová
    • Methodology
      Eva Živčicová
    • Writing – original draft
      Eva Živčicová
    • Writing – review & editing
      Eva Živčicová, Tatiana Masárová, Monika Gullerová
    • Formal Analysis
      Tatiana Masárová, Monika Gullerová
    • Investigation
      Tatiana Masárová
    • Project administration
      Tatiana Masárová
    • Resources
      Tatiana Masárová
    • Conceptualization
      Monika Gullerová
    • Supervision
      Monika Gullerová