Barriers to technology innovation among nascent entrepreneurs in deprived areas
Received June 28, 2023;Accepted August 11, 2023;Published September 15, 2023
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Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 614-628
Cited by1 articlesJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:
Funding dataFunder name: Minister of Education and Science titled “Regional Initiative of Excellence”Funder identifier: 018/RID/2018/19Award numbers: —
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Entrepreneurs in economically challenged areas frequently rely on financial and technical incentives and aid from public and local governments to embrace and apply new technology. This study aims to investigate the challenges to technology innovation that these businesses face. Based on a survey of 422 nascent entrepreneurs in Banjarmasin, Indonesia, an empirical model of the determinants influencing the adoption of technology innovation is developed. The current study used factor analysis as a methodological tool to identify the critical impediments to technology innovation. The study’s findings highlighted five major barriers. More financial resources are needed: as nascent entrepreneurs in these locations frequently need help to get the necessary funds to support their creative endeavors. There is a need for more skilled individuals: new businesses need help to locate and keep employees with the appropriate technological skills. Unfavorable economic conditions exacerbate the problem by making it difficult for new entrepreneurs to access markets and resources that could support their innovative efforts. Furthermore, there needs to be more collaborative efforts, with nascent entrepreneurs in these places frequently needing more collaboration and networking possibilities, expanding their potential to develop. Finally, the study identifies insufficient government support as a barrier to assisting entrepreneurs in adopting novel technologies. These hurdles can be efficiently overcome by government assistance, private-sector investment, and collaborative efforts among nascent entrepreneurs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, J24, O32
- Table 1. Technology innovation implemented
- Table 2. Nascent entrepreneurs’ business
- Table 3. Descriptive statistics and constructs reliability
- Table 4. Loading factors and variance explained
- Table 5. Path relationship among variables
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Ismi Rajiani, Sebastian Kot, Janusz Michałek, I Gede Riana
Data curation
Ismi Rajiani, Janusz Michałek, I Gede Riana
Formal Analysis
Ismi Rajiani, Sebastian Kot, I Gede Riana
Ismi Rajiani, Sebastian Kot, I Gede Riana
Ismi Rajiani, Janusz Michałek
Ismi Rajiani
Writing – original draft
Ismi Rajiani
Sebastian Kot, I Gede Riana
Sebastian Kot, Janusz Michałek
Project administration
Janusz Michałek, I Gede Riana
Writing – review & editing
Janusz Michałek, I Gede Riana
Talent management strategies of a public UAE hospital in the Industry 4.0 era: A qualitative analysis
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 14-27 Views: 2140 Downloads: 716 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTalents play a critical role in achieving organizational strategic goals and a higher level of performance in the healthcare industry. Therefore, the UAE government, which strives to provide world-class healthcare services, encouraged the adoption of talent management strategies and creation of essential capabilities for talent recruitment, development, and retaining. This study explores the talent management strategies, policies, and practices in multiple departments of a public UAE hospital. Moreover, it investigates required skills, competencies, and programs for those departments in the context of Industry 4.0. The study adopted a case study approach and qualitatively surveyed a purposive sample of 13 departmental managers, section heads, and supervisors who are experienced in employee management. The study found that talent management at the studied hospital is undefined and unclear in terms of strategies, policies, and practices. Furthermore, the study highlighted the need for employee encouragement, motivation, and engagement, as well as confirmed the critical role of management and leadership in facilitating talent management in the hospital. Accordingly, a UAE hospital could benefit from this study to develop its talent management policy and strategies that will guide managers in the Industry 4.0 era.
The nursing administration, nursing research committee at Tawam hospital and managers who responded to the study survey are acknowledged for the extension of support for the study. -
Working hours reduction, financial constraints, and employment: evidence from Korean firms
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 75-82 Views: 1883 Downloads: 191 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study analyzes the effect of reducing working time to a 40-hour week standard on employment, using the data of 1,961 publicly traded firms in Korea. The objective of the study is to empirically estimate the economy-wide effect of this working hours reduction on employment in Korea. This paper also attempts to uncover the effect of financial constraints, defined as the degree of accessibility to finance, on employment stability or sustainability. Some economic theories suggest that financial constraints have mixed or conflicting effects on employment. Building on labor and finance literature such as Garmaise (2007), easing financial constraints helps firms to optimally substitute capital for labor, thereby decreasing employment. Likewise, financially constrained firms are limited by the availability of internal funds, and a decrease in the external financing cost will increase firm-level human resource investment, such as employment. Using a longitudinal data on publicly listed companies in Korea, the author examines variations in the timing of implementing the working hours reduction in terms of establishment size to see if the effect of working hours reduction on employment differs with the degree of financial constraints of firms. This paper finds that the economy-wide effect on employment of work-hours reduction is positive, approximately 3.5% increase in employment. The results, however, show that there is no effect of the working hours reduction on employment in less financially constrained firms or larger corporations, whereas a substantial positive effect on employment is in smaller firms or financially constrained firms, supporting the Garmaise’s prediction.
The influence of human resource management practices on employee performance: A case study of Al-Balqa Applied University
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #1 pp. 279-290 Views: 1855 Downloads: 533 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯHuman resources management (HRM) has become critical in modern empirical studies. This study examines the impact of several critical HRM practices, including workforce planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, and employee appraisal, on employee performance. The study selected employees of Al-Balqa Applied University in Jordan to conduct a survey totaling 150 respondents. The paper adopted a quantitative research approach to achieve the study objectives using self-administrated questionnaires for data collection. The study used the SPSS software to conduct the primary analyses. The results showed that the university’s application of HRM practices was at a high level, where training and development took first place in priority. However, the study suggested a change in HRM practices in the pursuit of excellence to improve the productivity of employees at the university. Therefore, personnel management should always strives to implement one or another strategy of the university, based on which appropriate human resource management practices are chosen.