Awareness and readiness to use artificial intelligence by the adult population of Ukraine: Survey results
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #4, pp. 1-13
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Policymakers, educators, and businesses must develop artificial intelligence-related initiatives and strategies to effectively engage and benefit the population. The study aims to evaluate awareness and readiness to utilize artificial intelligence by the adult population of Ukraine in 2022. The paper employed a questionnaire consisting of two sets of questions: 1) awareness of artificial intelligence and 2) readiness to use artificial intelligence. A total of 806 respondents were interviewed via an online survey. The margin of error does not exceed 5%. The results indicate that while Ukrainians have a generally positive view of artificial intelligence, they remain skeptical about the prospect of robots functioning as workplace partners. The majority find it difficult to envision collaborating with a robot in a professional setting (only 36.9% of Ukrainians are ready to work with a robot). The survey highlights that the primary benefits of AI products and services valued by Ukrainians include timesaving, increased comfort, and enhanced service accessibility. Ukrainian men demonstrate a greater degree of commitment and awareness of artificial intelligence products/services than Ukrainian women. Young people are the most informed age group about artificial intelligence products/services. Residents of the western regions indicate a more significant impact of artificial intelligence on the present, unlike respondents from the eastern regions of Ukraine.
This research was funded by a grant “Restructuring of the national economy in the direction of digital transformations for sustainable development” (№0122U001232) from National Research Foundation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O21, Z13, Z18
- Figure 1. Are you ready to cooperate with a robot/artificial intelligence? %
- Figure 2. In your opinion, which of the following products/services use AI? %
- Figure 3. What AI products/services do you use in your daily life/business? %
- Figure 4. What AI products/services would you integrate into your daily life?
- Figure 5. Would you like to learn about available technologies or opportunities to apply AI? %
- Table 1. Select the statements about artificial intelligence you agree with (by gender), %
- Table 2. Select the statements about artificial intelligence you agree with (by cluster), %
- Table 3. In your opinion, which of the following products/services use AI (by gender)
- Table 4. In your opinion, which of the following products/services use AI? (by age), %
- Table 5. Are you ready to cooperate with a robot/artificial intelligence? (by gender), %
- Table 6. Are you ready to cooperate with a robot/artificial intelligence? (by age), %
- Table 7. What AI products/services do you use in your daily life/business? (by gender), %
- Table 8. What AI products/services do you use in your daily life/business? (by age), %
- Table 9. Would you like to receive additional information on available technologies and opportunities for AI use? (by age), %
- Table 10. Would you like to receive additional information on available technologies and opportunities for AI use? (by cluster), %
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