An analytical study on logistics outsourcing impact on logistical service quality in supply chains (case study: industrial enterprises of Sumy region)
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #3, pp. 201-211
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The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the impact of logistical outsourcing on the overall quality of the level of the logistical service of enterprises-producers in supply chains. In this study, special attention is paid to the estimation of indicators of logistics service as by their own forces and due to outsourcing and assessing the elasticity of these indicators, for an example, in Sumy Engineering Works Ltd.
As a result of the study, in case of their own delivery, logistics service level is higher than in case of logistics outsourcing. It may be related to the fact that in the first case, at the industrial enterprises, there is higher level of control over the process and the capacity for flexible and rapid response to various demands of consumers, which is very important for competitiveness. It was determined how the value of each individual index varies with the change in the supply control volume.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L89, M21, M31
- Figure 1. The dependence of the level of consumer to satisfaction execution of orders from logistics services company
- Figure 2. Calculation of the integral parameter of logistic service company
- Figure 3. The volume of contracts of Sumy Engineering Works Ltd. in 2012−2016
- Table 1. Indexes of logistic service of Sumy Engineering Works Ltd. in 2012–2016
- Table 2. Flexibility of indicators of logistics services Sumy Engineering Works Ltd.
- Table 3. Degree of impact of the enterprise on logistics service
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