Effectiveness of financial and economic regulation of land relations in ukraine in the context of the decentralization reform
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 550-562
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The sphere of local self-governance in Ukraine deals with a need for thorough researching and solving problems concerned with enhancing the effectiveness of financial and economic regulation of land relations on account of the expansion of the decentralization reform. The decentralization has led to gaining additional powers by bodies of local self-government. These powers entitles bodies of local self-government to ensure the increase of local budgets of newly-formed territorial units –united territorial communities – owing to carrying out financial transactions with land plots owned by local communities. In the process of research, the authors determine financial and economic efficiency of revenues of local budgets of perspective territorial communities by each region of Ukraine, taking into account variants of the normative monetary evaluation of land and the standard of capitalized rental income of agricultural lands located beyond their built-up areas. The authors substantiate an opportunity to create budget-forming sources of revenues for local budgets of perspective communities through the exercise of powers of bodies of local self-government regarding indicating the value of such lands and a right to lease, as well as terms of paying a single tax for the use of such lands for agricultural activity by taxpayers belonged to the fourth group of the simplified system of taxation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)R51, H72, R30
- Table 1. Indicators of the execution of the state and local budgets of Ukraine in terms of revenues with regard to revenues from the sale of land, payment for land, and single tax of taxpayers belonged to the fourth group during 2014–2017
- Table 2. Economic efficiency of the use of agricultural land plots in terms of passing them into ownership of perspective territorial communities at the sale price by January 1, 2019
- Table 3. Economic efficiency of the use of land plots located beyond built-up areas in terms of passing them into ownership of united territorial communities
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