Structured personal conflict as a main determinant of intragroup conflict: a study in Mexico
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #4, pp. 167-180
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Managers can spot and target the common driving forces of conflicting employees to ensure their efficiency and productivity. The aim of this research is to provide evidence for the existence of a personal profile, named in this work Structured Personal Conflict, which is present in intragroup conflicts, traditionally studied based on the factoring of conflicts of processes, results and relationships. More than 400 questionnaires were distributed by mail among workers from different organizations and jobs in Mexico, the methodology used the information of 201 usable questionnaires. Various goodness-of-fit tests obtained were applied and rival models were compared using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (AFC). As a result, it was found that structured personal conflict can be estimated from the intragroup conflicts of processes, results and relationships, and that it has a greater explanatory power than either of them individually. The importance of structured personal conflict in the personnel selection and in the performance of teams should be emphasized.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M54, M55
- Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of the components that make up the intragroup conflict
- Figure 2. Theoretical composition of the first three main components
- Figure 3. Variable relationship diagram
- Table 1. Component analysis factor matrix
- Table 2. Correlation matrix of information grouped by theoretical construct
- Table 3. Principal components analysis
- Table 4. Comparison of goodness-of-fit measures for rival models
- Table 5. Basic statistics of the sample constructs
- Table 6. Correlation matrix of the information grouped by theoretical construct
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