Transferable competencies of HR manager under global socio-economic changes
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #1, pp. 322-341
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Accelerated digitalization, uncertainty, rapidly changing work environment, and the spread of remote employment due to quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to differentiated requirements for HR managers in different sectors of the economy and the need to get quickly adjusted to new working conditions. This implies an increased importance of transferable competencies for HR managers, especially in advancing their flexibility and expanding employment opportunities. That is why the study aims to develop a universal model of transferable competencies of HR managers based on the analysis of global and local trends in demand on the labor market. Furthermore, a methodological approach is used to assess these trends based on behavioral indicators in rapidly changing conditions. The paper used a comparative analysis of the international experience in forming HR competencies and trends in demand on the Ukrainian labor market. The findings highlight the current transferable competencies of HR managers. They included the abilities to communicate effectively, use digital technologies confidently, work in multitasking mode, manage people and projects, effective self-management, and work in a team. The developed model of transferable competencies of HR managers and methodical approach to their assessment based on behavioral indicators provide an opportunity to diagnose the level of their development for effective work of HR managers in a distant mode, opportunities for trans-professionalism, and career growth.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, J24, J44
- Figure 1. Transferable competencies, which are in demand on the world labor market
- Figure 2. Transferal competencies of personnel managers according to the international models of HR competencies
- Figure 3. Interrelated transferable competencies for HR managers
- Figure 4. Characteristics of respondents of the expert survey
- Figure 5. Demand for transferable competencies of personnel managers among the employers of Ukraine
- Figure 6. Model of transferable competencies of personnel managers
- Figure 7. Behavioral indicators of transferable competencies of personnel managers
- Table 1. Transferable competencies of personnel managers
- Table 2. Demand for transferable competencies of personnel managers on the labor market of Ukraine in March–September 2021
- Table 3. Frequency of demand for transferable competencies of personnel managers among employers of Ukraine, %
- Table 4. Recommendations for the use of a Likert score scale to determine weight coefficients of transferable competencies of HR managers
- Table 5. Coefficients of weights of transferable competencies of personnel managers
- Table 6. Harrington scale
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