The role of university faculty motivation in human resources development and university competitiveness growth

  • Received April 24, 2018;
    Accepted June 11, 2018;
    Published July 20, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 92-101
  • Cited by
    3 articles

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The article aims to reveal the university rating by its faculty motivation, which has an impact on human resources development in higher education sector and raises the university competiveness level. To achieve the given goal, the researchers have developed a model for evaluating the university rating on faculty work motivation by assessing implementation of motivational factors in the university, their weight for determining its rating in comparison with the threshold value.
The article examines blocks of motivational factors, such as material-monetary, material- non-monetary and non-material. The authors believe that systemic and timely use of these blocks of motivational factors by the university may increase the lecturers’ professional skills level, quality of the educational program and the academic process itself and contribute to the growth of university competitiveness.
During the research, the lecturers were surveyed by using a structured questionnaire, and a model for assessing the university faculty motivation level has been developed based on the research outcomes. Comparative analysis of the obtained results and the threshold value have been made so that to come up with conclusions on the university
rating. The survey has revealed that the university under study has the B+– class rating, which demonstrates a fairly high result. There have been made recommendations to the given university on achieving the higher-class rating.

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    • Figure 1. The impact of university faculty motivation on the university competitiveness growth
    • Table 1. The position of the respondents
    • Table 2. Work experience of lecturers
    • Table 3. Calculation of assessments on the implementation of the block “material-monetary factors” (MMF)
    • Table 4. Calculation of assessments on the implementation of the block “material-non-monetary factors” (MnMF)
    • Table 5. Calculation of assessment on the implementation of the block “non-material factors” (NMF)
    • Table 6. The matrix of paired comparisons of motivation factors’ blocks
    • Table 7. Assessment of the implementation of the material-monetary block (group) factors taking into account its weight
    • Table 8. Assessment of the implementation of the material-non-monetary block (MnMF) factors taking into account its weight
    • Table 9. Assessment of the implementation of the non-material block (NMB) factors taking into account its weight
    • Table 10. Classification of the university rating on academic staff work motivation