Theoretical and methodological basis for technology transfer from universities to the business environment
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #1, pp. 399-416
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The modern concept of open innovation highlights the role of technology transfer from universities to the business environment. An increase in technology transfer efficiency is one of the tasks assigned to Ukrainian universities by the state. The nature of technology transfers in the world and the role of universities in this process call for revising traditional approaches to its production in Ukraine. This stipulated the substantiation of theoretical and methodological principles of technology transfer from universities to the business environment, which should serve as a fundamental platform for further economic, technological and other actions in the innovation development of Ukraine. For this purpose, the modern theoretical and applied components of technology transfer from universities to the business environment are researched; the theoretical and methodological principles of technology transfer are determined and the conceptual approach to understanding technology transfer from universities to the business environment is proved. To achieve the tasks at hand, the background and trends in technology transfer from universities to the business environment have been researched; the role of universities in modern technology transfers is analyzed; the peculiarities and potential of the scientific area of Ukraine are considered; the influence of university technology transfer centers on the universities’ academic entrepreneurship has been studied; the nature of knowledge transformation during the technology transfer is substantiated; the influence of technology transfer on the university subsystems is considered; the effects of technology transfer are investigated; models of interaction in the system “University – Governmental Authority – Business” are studied; and modern approaches to the technology transfer from universities to the business environment are researched. Given the research conducted, theoretical and methodological principles for technology transfer were formed, which conceptualize the technology transfer from universities to the business environment.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, O33
- Figure 1. Specific weight of R&D expenditures as part of GDP in EU countries and Ukraine, 2016, %
- Figure 2. Schematic representation of knowledge transformation chains during the technology transfer
- Figure 3. Mutual influence of theories within the technology transfer
- Figure 4. The emergence and effect of technology transfer
- Figure 5. Conceptual approach to understanding of technology transfer from universities to business environment
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