The effect of UTAUT2 moderator factors on citizens’ intention to adopt e-government: the case of two SADC countries

  • Published March 29, 2017
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 15 2017, Issue #1, pp. 115-123
  • Cited by
    6 articles

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E-government is widely believed to play a significant role in improving the public service delivery system in developing countries. Yet, its adoption and utilization amongst citizens remain a subject of concern amongst government policy makers. This study aims to investigate moderating factors that influence citizens’ decisions to adopt and utilize e-government services in the SADC region. The study adopts the extended UTAUT2 model as a theoretical underpinning, backed by recent literature on e-government adoption to advance and test an e-government adoption model. Empirical quantitative data for validating the proposed model was collected from 247 participants using self-administered questionnaires.
In analyzing the empirical data, five moderating demographic factors affecting citizens’ behavioral intention to adopt e-government services were tested and confirmed. The study found that only four moderating factors (age, level of education, the location of residence, and vernacular language) positively influenced citizens’ intention to adopt e-government. The study concludes by drawing attention to insights on moderating factors affecting e-government adoption, thereby casting more light to success factors and gray areas for failed adoption.

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    • Fig. 1. E-government adoption research model for the study
    • Fig. 2. Structural model result findings
    • Table 1. Chi-square test results for gender versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 2. Phi and Cramer’s V tests for association between gender and intention to use e-government
    • Table 3. Chi-square test results for age versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 4. Phi and Cramer’s V Tests for Association between age and intention to use e-Government
    • Table 5. Chi-Square Test results for level of education versus intention to use e-Government
    • Table 6. Phi and Cramer’s V tests for association between levels of education and intention to use e-government
    • Table 7. Chi-square test results for availability of vernacular language options versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 8. Phi and Cramer’s V - availability of vernacular language options versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 9. Chi-square test results for geographic location of users (within nations) versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 10. Phi and Cramer’s V - geographic location of users (within nations) versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 11. Chi-square test results for geographic location of users (between nations) versus intention to use e-government
    • Table 12. Phi and Cramer’s V – geographic location of users (between nations) versus intention to use e-government