Product quality as a mediating variable in repurchase decisions: The case of Indonesian skincare products


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When buying skincare products, consumers are more concerned with comfort and safety and seek for high-quality items. Indonesian-made skincare products must be of the highest caliber and adhere to all applicable health regulations. This study aims to determine whether product quality can effectively mediate the effects of brand image, customer value, digital marketing, and product quality on repurchase decisions. The study surveyed people using skincare products in the Indonesian city of Surabaya, utilizing a targeted sample of 385 female responders at least 18 years old. According to descriptive statistics, background status significantly affects the decision to repurchase skincare products. Structural equation modeling was then used to examine the data. The results show that product quality mediates the association between brand image and consumer value on decisions to repurchase. However, it does not mediate the relationship between digital marketing and such decisions. Another finding shows that in contrast to digital marketing, brand image and customer value positively influence product quality.
According to the study’s findings, product quality is a strong mediator and one of the factors influencing consumers’ decisions to repurchase. Additionally, the brand image of skincare products, which differ in each product’s features, enhances the consumer’s decision to repurchase.

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    • Figure 1. Research framework
    • Table 1. Respondent characteristics
    • Table 2. Values for the loading factor and AVE
    • Table 3. Connections between latent variables
    • Table 4. Reliability results
    • Table 5. Model fit quality
    • Conceptualization
      Ana Komari
    • Data curation
      Ana Komari
    • Formal Analysis
      Ana Komari
    • Investigation
      Ana Komari
    • Methodology
      Ana Komari
    • Project administration
      Ana Komari
    • Resources
      Ana Komari
    • Software
      Ana Komari
    • Supervision
      Ana Komari
    • Validation
      Ana Komari
    • Visualization
      Ana Komari
    • Writing – original draft
      Ana Komari
    • Writing – review & editing
      Ana Komari