Oil price and Indonesian economic growth
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 152-162
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Oil prices and economic growth are important indicators to see the success of Indonesia’s development performance. The use of oil as the world’s main energy source in general and Indonesia in particular is driven by industrialization. The more industries, the greater the energy resources needed. In the same context, economic growth will also increase oil demand. The purpose of this study is to examine and create empirical evidence of the relationship between world oil prices and economic growth towards domestic oil prices. Furthermore, to test and create empirical evidence on the relationship of domestic oil prices, agriculture, trade, investment, inflation, interest rates, industry, labor, exchange rates and balance of payments to economic growth. The expected output of this research will be to provide information on the policy of the transmission mechanism of oil prices and economic growth in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive and econometric approach to the analysis of simultaneous equation models with two stages of the least squares method. The results of the study indicate that there is a simultaneous relationship between oil prices and economic growth. Economic growth, world oil prices and domestic oil prices a year ago had a positive effect on domestic oil prices. The second result shows that domestic oil, agriculture, investment, interest rates, industry, exchange rates, balance of payments and economic growth in the previous year have a positive effect on economic growth, while trade, inflation and labor have a negative influence on economic growth.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q32, Q43, O13
- Table 1. Hausman test for domestic oil prices
- Table 2. Hausman economic growth test
- Table 3. Simultaneous equations of economic growth
- Table 4. Simultaneous equations of domestic oil prices
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