Analysis of organizational culture with denison’s model approach for international business competitiveness
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 142-151
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This paper is mainly to study implementation of organizational culture in enhancing business competitiveness. Culture is seen as a soft system tool that reflects beliefs that are able to drive business performance in an international environment. Today, culture is a part of instrument to measure organizational readiness in managing business in an international environment. The research is focused on evaluatiny organizational culture in international-scale hotel in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International-scale hotels are faced with differences in the nature of employees and customers, so management needs to develop a culture type as a strategy to encourage business competitiveness. The research applies Denison’s organizational culture model with four dimensions: involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission. Sample includes 248 working people at four star hotels with various positions, that is managers, supervisors and employees. The results of the study found that international hotel chains have the power to carry out internal alignment as a strategy to increase competitiveness through employee empowerment programs, team orientation, skills development, and alignment of work values. The results of the study illustrate the importance of internal and external dimension consistency for international business competitiveness.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D23, F23
- Figure 1. The roles of culture in organization
- Figure 2. Conceptual framework: culture and business sustainability competitiveness
- Figure 3. Denison’s model of organizational culture
- Figure 4. Description of organizational culture in international chain hotel business
- Table 1. The results of organizational culture index calculation
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