Methods for assessing emotional intelligence: Prospects for application in public administration in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #2, pp. 503-516
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to establish the advantages and disadvantages of various methods for assessing emotional intelligence by comparing the most common methods in leading countries and a developing country (Ukraine) in business, as a field in which the level of emotional intelligence importance is generally recognized, and in the public administration sphere. The MSCEITV2.0 and Hall tests were chosen as the most accurate tests for determining the emotional intelligence of public managers. For a more detailed comparison of these two tests and the selection of a universal one, 100 respondents were surveyed using a questionnaire developed in Google Forms. The sample included officials of local governments in the western, northern, and central regions of Ukraine, as well as representatives of businesses in the same regions, particularly managers of private enterprises. The results indicate that these two tests show similar results when determining the level of emotional intelligence. However, when allowed to choose the testing method, 80% of public managers and business representatives chose the Hall test, which takes less time than the MSCEITV2.0 test. Considering the obtained results and the permissible error, the study identifies the Hall test as a universal method for determining the emotional intelligence of public managers in a developing country – Ukraine.
This paper was created within the National Research Foundation of Ukraine project Assessing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Ukraine's human resources and identifying ways to overcome them. Project registration number 2021.01/0433.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M54, О15
- Figure 1. Prevalence of methods of assessing emotional intelligence in developed and developing countries
- Figure 2. Schematic comparison of MSCEIT and Hall tests the most time-consuming and the least time-consuming among all tests for determining emotional intelligence
- Figure 3. The results of the determination of the level of emotional intelligence according to both the Hall test (a) and the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso test (b)*
- Table 1. Comparison of the most common methods of assessing emotional intelligence
- Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of tests for determining emotional intelligence
- Table 3. Averaged correlation of the Hall and MSCEIT V2.0 tests
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