Issue #4 (Volume 18 2020)
ReleasedDecember 24, 2021
9 Authors
17 Tables
10 Figures
- analysis technology
- bank
- competence
- competency approach
- competitive advantage
- competitive position
- cost minimization
- deposit
- development
- development impact factor
Analysis of the enterprise`s readiness to implement modern tools of corporate culture development
Hanna Veretennykova , Viktoriia Tomakh doi: culture is a unique attribute of the enterprise that positively affects the socio-economic results of its activity and develops under the influence of external and internal factors. The paper suggests a group of factors influencing corporate culture that determine the effectiveness and speed of its development. This group includes the level of competence of HR managers; the level of influence on staff of formal and informal leaders and their attitude to changes; the presence of cultural bugs, the attitude of the existing culture to changes, the degree of hierarchy, the speed of communication channels, the level of staff satisfaction with the situation, the presence of feedback. An analysis of global trends of enterprises’ corporate culture development allowed formulating the following areas of its improvement for the domestic enterprises: formation of a passionate employee, ensuring a balance between work and personal life, an individual approach to personal development and the effectiveness of staff activities, the organization of a virtual office, diversification as a part of teams, and reduction of hierarchy levels. The assessment of the domestic enterprises readiness to implement measures in the framework of the identified areas indicates that the most enterprises are ready to introduce modern tools for the development of corporate culture. At the same time, the necessity was revealed to introduce the individual approach to identify areas for improving professional skills and ensuring a balance between work and personal life of employees.
Excise tax: analysis and problems of indirect taxation during COVID-19 pandemic
Viktoriia Tyshchenko, Viktoriia Ostapenko
, Daria Ivanova
The global COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the world and affected almost all aspects of the economy and society. The response to these challenges from the governments of practically all countries of the world has been actively manifested in tax measures aimed at supporting citizens and businesses. Considering the reduction of tax revenues to the budget, the regulation of excise taxation is the main tool for influencing economic and social processes in the country. The purpose of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of excise taxation in Ukraine, to identify key problems of indirect taxation and approaches of their overcoming. The concept “excise tax” and features of excise taxation in Ukraine were considered. The changes in the list of excisable groups of goods during 2020–2021 were determined. The impact of tax rates changes in groups of excisable goods for the last 5 years was analyzed. Prospects and innovations of excise tax in Ukraine were systematized. The main problems of the indirect taxation system development and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tax system, which led to the strengthening of the crisis state in the country and the slowdown of the planned economic reforms, were identified. State measures to regulate the state tax system on the example of EU countries were proposed.
Corporate social responsibility as a strategic aspect of achieving financial stability of a business
In a modern turbulent economic environment, strengthening the principle of quasi-stability, globalization and competition, corporate social responsibility is becoming a driving force in establishing market proportions and business development prospects. This substantiates the importance of developing corporate social behavior as a strategic aspect of achieving financial stability in the practice of market participants. The study is aimed at developing a theoretical and methodological justification of the role of corporate social responsibility in optimizing the company’s costs and its impact on basic financial indicators, as well as identifying the relationship between the costs of corporate social behavior and the increase in company value. The research object is corporate social responsibility as one of the tools to achieve business financial performance. The theoretical basis was the analysis of works and publications of leading scientists, research data on CSR practices of successful Ukrainian and international companies, determination of the relationship between the current decline in company profits due to socially oriented costs and sustainable business development. The results obtained made it possible to demonstrate the CSR model of a financially stable company and to characterize the advantages and sources of reducing the company’s costs due to the effective CSR implementation by Ukrainian companies. The practical value of the results can be important not only for the company’s management system, but also for stakeholders such as consultants, shareholders, scientists, authorities, since the results show a positive relationship between CSR and financial performance, and stakeholders can exert some pressure on companies that do not have a CSR policy and thus encourage them to change.
The essence and features of the competency-based approach to strategic enterprise management
Increasing the role of an employee as a determining factor in the economic growth of an enterprise makes managers change the philosophy of management, directing it towards the realization of employees’ unique abilities. The effective implementation of the strategic direction of action depends on the knowledge, skills and personal characteristics of specialists, i.e. competencies that are a source of competitive advantage and a strategic factor in the enterprise development. In this regard, it is necessary to study the competency-based approach features in order to identify the opportunities for application in the strategic management of an enterprise. The purpose of the study is to clarify the essence of the competency-based approach and substantiate the need for its application in strategic management. The object of the study is the process of strategic enterprise management. The following methods were used: abstract-logical, analysis and synthesis – to clarify the essence of the competency-based approach; formation of conclusions; and graphical technique – to visualize the results. The views on the essence of the competency-based approach are analyzed and the lack of research on its importance for ensuring effective strategic management at different levels is noted. Taking into account the transformation of the essence of strategic enterprise management and the significant dependence of its effectiveness on professional competence of strategic decision developers and executors of their decisions, the essence of the competence-based approach is specified. It provides for the involvement of specialists with the necessary knowledge, skills, ability to objectively perceive information, use experience and intuition in determining promising areas of action, and take responsibility for decisions to achieve strategic goals for the implementation of the stages of strategic analysis and strategic selection. This will allow managers to involve employees in the process of making strategic decisions, focusing not only on their job positions, but primarily on the availability of a set of competencies necessary for strategic management and the appropriate level of their manifestation in professional behavior. A likely result can be a reduction in the time for the implementation of the relevant stages of strategic management and an increase in the likelihood of achieving strategic goals due to a correctly chosen strategy of future actions.
Analysis technology of a bank’s competitive position in the deposit market
The structurally balanced resource base of a bank determines its ability to achieve its goals and, as a result, its performance and has a decisive impact on the reproductive process in the economy by converting borrowed funds into investments. Despite a significant reduction in the number of banks over the past 10 years (from 175 to 73), the deposit market is a highly competitive environment. This necessitates the search for approaches to the formation of deposit resources that are adequate to modern conditions, aimed at their stabilization and sufficiency. The objective of the study is to develop a technology for analyzing a bank’s competitive position in the deposit market, which is the basis for choosing a strategy for managing the formation and use of the bank’s deposit resources. The technology of analysis of the bank’s competitive position in the deposit market consists of the following stages: building a system of indicators characterizing the formation and use of bank’s deposit resources, calculation and analysis of integrated taxonomic indicators of the formation and use of a bank’s deposit resources, developing the “formation of a bank’s deposit resources – use of a bank’s deposit resources” matrix, positioning of banks in this matrix, determining the strategies for the formation and use of a bank’s deposit resources, and making appropriate management decisions and their implementation. The proposed technology has been tested on the example of existing banks in Ukraine as of January 1, 2021. Its use allows determining the current competitive position of a bank in the deposit market and choosing a strategy for managing the formation and use of deposit resources from the proposed: preservation, activation, balancing, directed action, intensification, and aggressive strategy.