Issue #2 (Volume 19 2020)
ReleasedJuly 09, 2020
12 Authors
12 Tables
33 Figures
- cluster analysis
- competitiveness
- consumer price index
- consumption
- controllability of the development strategy
- ecology
- emotional intelligence
- environmental PR
- exchange rate
Financial factors for restraining the underground economy: case of Ukraine
The underground economy in Ukraine is one of the major obstacles on the way to accelerative economic growth and European integration processes. The high level of undergrounding leads to the weakening of the regulatory impact of fiscal and monetary policy instruments on the development of the national economy. Against this background, the financial and economic processes undergrounding is a major challenge and a top priority problem for Ukraine today. The article aims to determine the financial levers to restrict economy’s undergrounding and justify measures to reduce the risk of undergrounding by certain monetary and budgetary parameters regulation. The research methodological basis is the methods of scientific abstraction, induction, deduction, generalization, logical method. For analytical calculations there are used coefficient analysis, mathematical methods, including correlation analysis, comparison and grouping methods, synthesis, tabular and graphical methods. The Ukraine underground economy is selected as the study object example with this methods’ system using. Therefore the study, based on the calculation of the Fechner correlation coefficient, has revealed the presence, closeness and direction of the relationship between monetary indicators (values of changes in monetary aggregates M0, M2 and M3, CPI, changes in the official hryvnia rate to the US dollar), budgetary parameters (changes in intergovernmental transfers, changes in external public debt, taking into account inflation) and the underground economy level. Thus, according to the results of the analysis, the main directions of the relevant regulatory bodies influence on the national economy unshadowing have been determined.
The impact of environmental PR on product consumption
The article argues that modern media and public relations play a significant role in addressing environmental issues. It is shown that in order to create favorable conditions for the implementation of ecological PR, it is necessary to take into account the relations not only between the enterprises and their target audiences but also between the subjects of environmental PR. It is proved that carrying out environmental PR is possible with the use of РR-tools, which can be various, depending on measures, such as publications in mass media; events for journalists; environmental measures; social-environmental advertising. Based on generalized literature sources, it has been proved that modern market relations for the support of socially responsible businesses require the use of such aspects of motivation during environmental PR that shape the consumer with a caring attitude to the environment and their health. It is proved that along with the production of environmentally friendly products, the opposite phenomenon is observed – greenwashing. Therefore, examples of social responsibility of enterprises that carry out environmental PR and are responsible for ecological problems form social responsibility for environmental protection for all market participants.
The innovative activity of enterprises and national economy growth: Ukraine, Poland
Viktoriia Tomakh , Hanna Veretennykova doi: the contemporary world, the sustainable development of national economies is impossible without the timely and high-quality implementation of innovation. The prompt use of innovations is considered to be the key to obtaining and maintaining both new and existing competitive advantages of both individual enterprises and the economy in general. This study aims to determine the dependence of national economic growth (based on the example of Ukraine and Poland) on the innovative activities of enterprises and innovative policies of governments, as well as the development of the improvement offers concerning the innovative policy of Ukraine based on international experience. The impact of innovation indicators on the level of GDP per capita in Ukraine and Poland over the period from 2000 to 2018 has been studied in the article. The most important factors of influence on the GDP per capita, through multivariate statistical analysis and regression analysis, were identified from the list of indicators of innovation activity, and the regression equation was constructed. For Ukraine, such factors are the “innovativeness of enterprises” (that explains the 34.19% of total dispersion), the “innovative inputs” (that explains the 17.11% of dispersion) factors and factor of “financing and implementation of innovations” (that explains 27.8% of the total dispersion). For Poland, the factor of “innovative activity” explains 44.35% of dispersion, and the factor of “innovative actions” explains 38.47% of total dispersion. Moreover, the suggestions involving innovation policy development of Ukraine are provided.
Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- management
Nadiia Lysytsia, Yuliya Byelikova
, Maryna Martynenko
Competitive advantage of any successful company is qualified personnel and intellectual capital. Thus, the work of HR-management specialists significantly affects the formation of human resources potential and hence the competitiveness of modern enterprises. In conditions of information economics, information about HR managers is in demand. Together with professional competences HR managers should use emotional intelligence which can help them to achieve success. Gender specifics of economic specialty students emotional intelligence is not studied enough that substantiates the topicality of the article. In connection with the above mentioned, research related to the study of key professional competencies and emotional intelligence of HR- managers is of particular importance. New technologies for managing behavior of employees appear every decade. As a result, new models of managerial behavior are becoming necessary, which would contribute to the development of new mechanisms for managing people. The aim of the article is to identify gender specifics of the emotional intelligence of economic specialty students as potential workers in the field of HR- management. The object of the research is phenomenon of emotional intelligence in the process of HR management. Hall’s methodology was used to assess students’ emotional intelligence. Results of emotional intelligence research conducted by Hall’s methodology allowed the authors to determine practical value of gender specifics of emotional intelligence in HR management. Gender specifics of such components of emotional intelligence (EI) as emotional awareness, management of own emotions, self-motivation, empathy, management of others’ emotions, general emotional intelligence have been analyzed. Cluster analysis has been made and allowed the authors to reveal groups of clusters among students with gender specifics of EI which may be regarded as resource for successful HR- management.
Simulation of the capital structure of an enterprise taking into account the dynamics of parameters of the external environment
Irina Medvedieva , Mariia Ahapova doi: technology is an effective tool for substantiating management decisions in any field of activity, including the economy. One of the most important characteristics of the functioning of economic agents in a market is the structure of their capital because the interest of foreign investors in the business entity depends directly on the balance of this structure. Therefore, the process of managing the capital structure of a business unit needs special attention both in terms of sustainable development and during the crisis. Given the mentioned above, the object of the study is the process of managing the enterprise capital structure. The study aims to improve the methodological support of the process of managing the enterprise capital structure taking into account the dynamics of the parameters of the external environment of its operation. As for the results of the research, the EPC diagram of the optimization process of the enterprise capital structure was developed. Due to the use of the vector graphic editor MS Visio, this model allows visually displaying the scenario of a financial manager’s activity during performance of his duties on the modeled subject area; the methodical approach to assessing the sustainability of capital structure management based on the building of Shewhart quality maps was suggested. Such maps enable to identify typical (optimal, preventive and control) values of the components of the capital structure of an entrepreneurial unit; methodical recommendations for operative management on an enterprise capital structure at the innovation and investment stage of its development were developed. They are based on the use of a method of linear programming. They allow defining possible deviations of capital structure indicators while retaining the control of the chosen strategy of its development.