Influence of social media on organizational communication and organizational culture at the South African Social Security Agency in South Africa
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #2, pp. 433-442
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Social media is a potent drive in the modern landscape of organizational dynamics, influencing cultural norms and communication styles. The purpose of this study is to investigate the complex effects of social media on organizational culture and communication. The paper explores how social media platforms have changed communication channels, interaction dynamics, and organizational culture, drawing on a mixture of previous research and pragmatic studies. A quantitative research paradigm was employed and a sample of 140 sample respondents was selected using simple random sampling. The sample respondents were employees at a selected South African Social Security Agency branch in South Africa. The results revealed that Facebook was the most used platform and that employees use social media for both work and non-work related purposes. The study concluded a positive and significant relationship between social media usage and social media enhancing the organizational culture (r = 0.227; p < 0.05). Moreover, the study found no relationship between social media usage influencing employee behavior and social media restrictions impacting employee morale negatively (r = 0.036; p > 0.05). The findings highlight valuable insights on the role of social media and its effect on organizational culture and communication. It is also evident from the results that social media usage presents opportunities and challenges for organizations. Hence, the paper concludes that organizations can use social media to create a communicative, flexible, and resilient organizational culture in digital time by recognizing the dynamics at work and taking proactive measures.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, L20, M54, O15
- Table 1. Social media as an effective communication tool
- Table 2. The role of social media in organizational culture and organizational reputation
- Table 3. The relationship between social media and innovation and development
- Table 4. Social media usage and employee morale
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