Influence of network organizational structures on innovation activity of industrial enterprises
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 174-188
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The interrelation between the innovation activity of enterprises and various types of network cooperation is of practical importance for the effective strategic management of network structures. In the present study, on the basis of indicators that measure innovation and technological effects and are adapted to the standards of statistics of the EU countries, the weighted aggregate innovation index of light industry companies in Ukraine and the EU countries is justified and calculated. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis, the relationships of varying strength are established between the integrated innovation index and different types of network innovative cooperation of light industry companies of the EU countries. The high-strength relationship is revealed between the innovation index of light industry and the indicators of the share of companies that had partners within their group of companies; that were involved in any type of network innovation partnership; that had partners in innovative cooperation among universities; that were involved in any type of partnership with a foreign partner from the EU countries, the EFTA countries or the candidate countries for accession to the EU. The construction of a correlation-regression model of the dependence of the innovation index of light industry on the share of innovation-active companies involved in any type of network innovation partnership and the share of innovation-active companies involved in network cooperation with a foreign partner from the EU countries, the EFTA countries or the candidate countries for accession to the EU given the possibility to predict the level of innovation of domestic companies of light industry depending on the level of their involvement in different types of network innovative cooperation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D85, O14, O52
- Figure 1. The sequence of calculation of the Innovation Index of companies taking into account the influence of network cooperation variables
- Figure 2. The Innovation Indexes of light industry of Ukraine and the EU countries
- Figure 3. The most important sources of information for light industry companies of the EU (%)
- Table 1. The actual values of indicators of innovation activity of light industry companies in Ukraine
- Table 2. The actual values of indicators of innovation activity of light industry companies in the EU
- Table 3. The normalized values of indicators of innovation activity and the Innovation Indexes of light industry companies in Ukraine
- Table 4. The normalized values of indicators of innovation activity and the Innovation indexes of light industry companies in the EU countries
- Table 5. The indicators of network innovative cooperation of companies in the EU countries
- Table 6. The values of correlation coefficients between the indicators of network innovative cooperation and the innovation index of light industry of the EU countries
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