Analysis of current trends in innovation and investment activity of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises
Received April 6, 2018;Accepted May 7, 2018;Published May 15, 2018
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Link to ORCID Index:, Vitalii Makhinchuk ,
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Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #2, pp. 116-128
Cited by3 articlesJournal title: Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho UniversytetuArticle title: Transformation of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine from the concept “Industry 4.0” to capitalism of stakeholderDOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2022-2/166Volume: / Issue: 2 / First page: 166 / Year: 2022Contributors: N. A Yasynska, I. V Syrmamiikh, B. V Derevyanko, L. M Nikolenko, A. V KatrychJournal title: Problems and Perspectives in ManagementArticle title: Development trends in organizational and management structuresDOI: 10.21511/ppm.19(2).2021.39Volume: 19 / Issue: 2 / First page: 495 / Year: 2021Contributors: Jarmila Straková, Jan Váchal, Jaroslav Kollmann, Milan TalířJournal title: EnergiesArticle title: GHG Emissions Mitigation in the European Union Based on Labor Market ChangesDOI: 10.3390/en14020465Volume: 14 / Issue: 2 / First page: 465 / Year: 2021Contributors: Mihaela Simionescu, Yuriy Bilan, Piotr Zawadzki, Adam Wojciechowski, Marcin Rabe
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The current stage of the socio-economic development of the Ukrainian economy is characterized by an imperfect economic base, low level of labor productivity, high resource intensity and energy consumption of production. It is the result of insufficient innovation and investment activity – a leading factor in the growth of competitiveness and a serious obstacle in the conditions of increasing openness of the economy, joining the country to the processes of globalization. This also applies to the development of the metallurgical industry, which is one of the basic branches of the national economy, since its production and export potential largely determine the stability of the economy and the filling of the budget of the country.
The article analyzes the influence of financial and administrative analysis on the managerial, financial and investment activity of the metallurgical industry, which enables to assess and determine the innovation and investment level of the metallurgical industry and to analyze the structure of world steel production.
It should be mentioned that although such parts of economic analysis as financial and administrative are deepening and complement each other, they should be considered separately, because it will allow to improve organizational, informational and methodological assurance, based on methodological approaches and considering practical needs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Е22, L61, O30
- Figure 1. The scheme of formation of accounting and analytical information on innovation and investment activity of the enterprise
- Figure 2. The scheme of displaying the place of management and financial analysis in the general system of analysis of economic activity of the enterprise
- Figure 3. Dynamic tendencies of steel production
- Table 1. Comparative characteristic of types of economic analysis
- Table 2. Dynamics of steel production by the world corporations
- Table 3. Fixed assets of metallurgical industry in Ukraine
- Table 4. Innovative activity of metallurgical enterprises
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Analysis of eSports as a commercial activity
Natalia Lokhman , Oksana Karashchuk , Olena Kornilova doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 207-213 Views: 4148 Downloads: 1070 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article deals with eSports as a perspective kind of commercial activity. The research urgency is determined by the fact that, given the active increase of eSports market with growth rates of more than 30% per year, the types of commercial activities in this field and in scientific papers are not studied in an adequate degree.
The purpose of the article is to evaluate the commercial activity development in eSports and to determine the perspectives for its further growth in Ukraine. In order to determine the key types of commercial activity in eSports, the main sources of revenue in this area compared to sports were investigated, which showed a large unrealized potential for increasing revenues from the sale of tickets to competitions, the realization of broadcasting rights and merchandising. The study also showed that the largest number of income sources in eSports is at the stage of cyber-tournaments, which can be explained by a large consumer audience at this stage. However, unlike the esports world practice, computer game producers and well-known manufacturers of consumer goods in Ukraine do not finance domestic competitions, and, therefore, this stage of commercial activity remains at a low level. In modern conditions, among the types of eSports activities in Ukraine, only the computer games production and the cyber-racers game are properly developed.
According to authors, to improve the eSports development in Ukraine, creating the national system of regular eSports competitions is needed, which will form the basis for the development of most types of commercial activities that are part of the cyber-tournaments. To do this, one needs to create appropriate platforms, as well as improve communications with fans in social networks and at amateur competitions. All this will make eSports a highly profitable business in Ukraine.
Financial sustainability management of the insurance company: case of Ukraine
Ruslana Pikus, Nataliia Prykaziuk
, Mariia Balytska
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 219-228 Views: 3685 Downloads: 317 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the current conditions of the Ukrainian economy, which is characterized by crisis phenomena and frequent changes in legislation, the insurance organizations are facing a number of difficulties in maintaining their financial sustainability. Moreover, these processes take place under the increased requirements for solvency of insurers. However, a significant part of domestic insurance companies is financially unstable, which is conditioned not only by the lack of funds, but also by the low level of management. This situation hinders the further development of the insurance market in Ukraine and has a negative impact on all areas of the domestic financial system and prevents it from successful integration into the European financial field. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to distinguish the key groups of risks that affect the financial sustainability of insurance organizations, among which there are the following: insurance, strategic, market risk, risk of inefficient capital structure, risk of limiting the insurance company’s liquidity, tax risk, investment risk, operational risk, the risk of ineffective organizational structure of the enterprise, and information risk. It should be noted that under conditions of changing environment, the impact of these risks only increases, and therefore the task of minimizing the impact of these risks on the activities of insurance companies is highly important. Accordingly, the authors of the article proposed a four-stage strategy to manage the financial sustainability of the insurance company, the purpose of which is to identify the risks of limiting the insurer’s financial sustainability, their qualitative and quantitative assessment, as well as the development and implementation of appropriate measures to minimize and eliminate unacceptable consequences.
The peculiarities of economic crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic in a developing country: case of Ukraine
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 13-22 Views: 2469 Downloads: 374 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAt the beginning of 2020, the world faced the most frightening threat to the population’s health – COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, the international institutions, governments of countries and various organizations are forced to use unprecedented restrictive measures in many spheres of activity. As a result, the economies of the countries all over the world are significantly affected and are on the verge of crisis. This paper presents examples of economic consequences of COVID-19 pandemic for different countries of the world and analyzes still few scientific works, which study the influence of pandemic on their economies. The article generalizes the legislative and anti-crisis measures of the Ukrainian Government, as well as the National Bank of Ukraine and other state authorities. It is evidenced that at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, Ukraine witnessed a significant decrease in GDP growth rate, reduction of industrial production and electricity production. The financial indicators also underwent significant losses, particularly the unemployment rate increased as thousands and thousands of labor migrants have returned to Ukraine from European and other countries. The article proves the inconsistency and unprofessionalism of such restrictive and regulatory measures. Finally, the necessity is substantiated to combine the methods of market economy and state regulation. The compulsory steps are offered, which would minimize the losses of the state and its population during this economic crisis.