Identifying the critical success factors of organization with Analytic Hierarchy Process approach (case study – Iran Argham Company)
Published December 14, 2016
- Author(s)
Article InfoVolume 14 2016, Issue #4 , pp. 54-60
Cited by3 articlesJournal title: Intelligent Automation & Soft ComputingArticle title: Investigating Crucial Factors of Agile Software Development Through Composite ApproachDOI: 10.32604/iasc.2021.014427Volume: 27 / Issue: 1 / First page: 15 / Year: 2021Contributors: AbdulHafeez Muhammad, Ansar Siddique, Quadri Noorulhasan Naveed, Usman Saleem, Mohd Abul Hasan, Basit ShahzadJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title: Annals of Operations ResearchArticle title: Charting the managerial and theoretical evolutionary path of AHP using thematic and systematic review: a decadal (2012–2021) studyDOI: 10.1007/s10479-022-04540-7Volume: 326 / Issue: 2 / First page: 635 / Year: 2023Contributors: Vijay Pereira, Umesh Bamel
In today’s challenging and complex world, organizations success depends on productivity, continuous improvement in all dimensions and reforming the pattern of resource utilization. Therefore, organizations, while considering restrictions, should focus on the most effective factors or so-called critical success factors. This paper intends to identify and prioritize the critical success factors, among other, factors influencing success of the organization, using hierarchical analysis and application of tools and related software. Analytic Hierarchy Process provides the possibility to compare the factors via creating matrix of paired comparisons. The case study in this research includes identifying the critical success factors and prioritizing them in Iran Argham Company. Finally, among the results presented, five critical success factors are identified from the forty influential factors. These five factors account for about seventy percent of the organization’s success. It should be noted that most studies conducted in this area focuse on the certain processes and special systems rather than study on the organization as a whole unit. This model can also be generalized to all organizations, including SMEs, and would provide remarkably valuable approaches, especially in competitive markets.
Keywords: key success factors, strategic management, critical success factors, AHP.
JEL Classification: M10, M14, L21, C44