Employment quality in the new socio-economic reality: theoretical and methodological foundations
Article InfoVolume 14 2024, Issue #1, pp. 12-27
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The article contains scientific arguments for aggravating social and labor problems, especially employment in its various manifestations. It substantiates the need to update the theoretical and methodological foundations of employment in general and its quality in particular. A modern view of the employment institute is presented.
The author's concept of employment quality has been revealed. The proposed conceptology of employment quality is based on the latest theoretical and methodological foundations and opens new horizons for further scientific and applied research. First of all, it concerns development of theoretical, methodological and applied principles of employment quality assessment. It is proven that the newest trend of the current digital age is the emergence and intensive reproduction of gaps in the quality of jointly distributed labor as part of various types of both standard and especially non-standard forms of employment.
The article's key quintessence is the authors' vision of employment quality as a prerequisite for sustainable people-dimensional development and justification of the need to move the institute of employment quality to the epicenter of theoretical and applied research, which should become a platform for scientific support of formation and implementation of a new social and labor policy.
Further research in the field of scientific support for social and labor development has received scientific interpretation.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J21, J23
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Social and labour relations: theory and practice