Creative employment as a modern resource of socio-economic recovery of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 13 2023, Issue #2, pp. 11-19
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The article's main idea is to substantiate the importance of creative employment for Ukraine's socio-economic recovery. Human capital, its creative element, can accelerate the transformation of a raw economy with its export orientation into a new economy dominated by technology and technologies inherent in Industry 4.0. The use of methods of dialectical analysis, synthesis, generalization, systemic, strategic, and process approaches, and techniques of abstraction made it possible to reveal the high potential of creative employment for preserving existing jobs and generating new jobs, making it attractive to investors. The systematization of the thoughts and work of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the content of creative employment is of theoretical and practical importance. In accordance with the defined goals and objectives, the conceptual principles of "narrow" and "broad" approaches to the content of creative employment are summarized and deepened. It was found that, according to the "narrow" approach, creative workers are mainly people of art and creative professions, people employed in the media industry, and specialists in the field of information systems and technologies, for which individual work is characteristic. According to the author's position, in accordance with the "broad" approach, creative employment takes place in all branches and spheres that produce material, cultural, and spiritual goods, as well as in management activities. This concept not only brings new knowledge to socioeconomics but also has practical significance for determining the scope of creative employment and evaluating state social and economic policy. The study concluded that creative employment is not an artificial phenomenon detached from technical and social progress. Its development is connected primarily with the increase in the economy's and the social and humanitarian sphere's need for innovative developments, which are subsequently commercialized. According to the author, new industrial relations are formed on this basis, which are gradually transformed into partnership ones.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, 031, 010
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