Analysis of the employment structure of ukraine’s population during the war
Article InfoVolume 13 2023, Issue #2, pp. 20-32
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Structural shifts in employment in the modern Ukrainian economy are caused by factors such as the military situation, technological progress, demographic changes, and economic instability. These changes affect the sectoral, gender, and regional distribution of workers and require adaptation from labor market participants and social policies to ensure the stability and efficiency of employment. Addressing structural shifts in employment in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach, which includes stimulating the development of new economic sectors, supporting entrepreneurship, modernizing education and training, and providing social protection for workers during reorientation and retraining processes. Such an approach will help achieve a balanced state of supply and demand in the labor market, thereby ensuring long-term societal protection and well-being.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J21, J23, J24, J61
- Figure 1. Механізм структурних перетворень зайнятості населення
- Figure 2. Частка зайнятого населення у регіональному розрізі, 2023 рік, %
- Table 1. Ендогенні та екзогенні фактори зайнятості населення
- Table 2. Кількість зайнятого і безробітного населення, кількість вакансій за видами економічної діяльності, осіб, 2023 рік
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