Corporate culture as the social foundation of strategic management of virtual teams


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The article explores the features of corporate culture as a social basis for managing virtual teams in the context of modern digital transformation and globalization. It considers the role of the corporate culture of organizations in the context of managing virtual teams. The importance of effective mechanisms of corporate culture in maintaining work productivity, motivation, professional and personal development, and cohesion of employees in virtual teams, where the actual presence of the employee in the office is minimized or absent, which causes many risks and challenges, is determined. The study highlights important aspects of corporate culture, such as the social foundation of strategic management of virtual teams and, in particular, its influence on communication, coordination, trust, and adaptation of new employees in remote work conditions. An analysis of the role of strategic management for virtual teams of organizations and the role of corporate culture was carried out, and its advantages and disadvantages were highlighted. To overcome the key risks and challenges of working with virtual teams, taking into account the specifics of their functioning, the key principles of forming an organization's corporate culture are proposed. The article reveals how corporate values help overcome cultural barriers and ensure effective cooperation in multinational teams. Special attention is paid to the issue of forming an optimal scheme for the gradual formation and development of the organization's corporate culture, with an emphasis on the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the culture, as well as on the need to develop communication strategies, taking into account the specifics of the work of virtual teams. The article emphasizes the importance of developing new tools and approaches to support the motivation of inclusiveness and ethical standards in the development of corporate culture for members of virtual teams of the organization, which is a real challenge of today's organizations in crisis and unstable conditions.

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    • Figure 1. Key principles of successful development of corporate culture as a social foundation of strategic management of virtual teams
    • Figure 2. A step-by-step scheme of corporate culture formation as a social foundation of strategic management of virtual
    • Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of a strategic approach and corporate culture in managing virtual teams
    • Conceptualization
      Olena Bielova, Oleksandr Bielov
    • Data curation
      Olena Bielova
    • Formal Analysis
      Olena Bielova, Oleksandr Bielov
    • Investigation
      Olena Bielova, Oleksandr Bielov
    • Methodology
      Olena Bielova
    • Resources
      Olena Bielova, Oleksandr Bielov
    • Supervision
      Olena Bielova
    • Visualization
      Olena Bielova, Oleksandr Bielov
    • Writing – original draft
      Olena Bielova, Oleksandr Bielov
    • Project administration
      Oleksandr Bielov
    • Software
      Oleksandr Bielov