Contradictions of Enterprise Europe Network development in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 190-202
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Innovative development is the priority of the Ukraine’s ecomonic policy. In order to achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to ensure the transfer of innovative technologies to commercial production. The transmission of research and development (R&D) results to potential customers should be achieved through market mechanisms that cannot work effectively without, first of all, market research and contacts with interested counterparties.
The study aims to clarify the possibility of using the IT platform of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) as a tool for searching and establishing the contacts between domestic and foreign counteragents. The object of research was the EEN’s IT platform and its mechanism for the innovative solutions implementation. The features of the EEN functioning in Ukraine were investigated. Using the EEN`s tools, the marketing research of current trends in the economic sectors development in the context of cooperation processes was conducted. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the technology transfer in the Enterprise Europe Network were analyzed. The strategy for EEN’s implementation in Ukrainian conditions was formulated. The methods of economic (SWOT and force field) analysis, the comparison method, and the economic-statistical method of analysis of actual data were used. The results of study allowed formulating the strategy and the recommendations for EEN’s development in Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)О31, О32, О33
- Figure 1. The number of profiles of business entities in the EEN system that are at certain stages of cooperation with entrepreneurs from Ukraine for 2018 – first half of 2019
- Figure 2. The number of profiles of domestic business entities in the EEN system that are interested in cooperation with entities from other countries for 2018 – first half of 2019
- Figure 3. The number of requests for cooperation profile country of origin for entrepreneurs interested in cooperation with Ukraine for the first half of 2019
- Figure 4. Correlation matrix of the EEN SWOT analysis
- Figure 5. Force field of the EEN system in Ukraine
- Table 1. Number of profiles of potential counterparties by market sector in the EEN system for 2018 – first half of 2019
- Table 2. Systematization by types of profiles of business entities in the EEN system which are interested in cooperation with entities from Ukraine for the first half of 2019
- Table 3. The number of profiles of entrepreneurs by market sector “Communications” in the EEN system, which are interested in cooperation with Ukraine for the first half of 2019
- Table 4. Analysis of cooperation by type of profile “R&D request” in the context of Ukraine for the first half of 2019
- Table 5. Geography of profile of country of origin for entrepreneurs having the profile type “R&D request” and are interested in cooperation with Ukraine for the first half of 2019
- Table 6. Number of profiles of entrepreneurs in the market sector “Computer technologies” in the EEN system that are interested in cooperation with Ukraine for the first half of 2019
- Table 7. Number of requests to Ukraine in the subsectors “Computer graphics” and “3D” for the first half of 2019
- Table 8. Analysis of cooperation in the context of Ukraine in subsectors “Computer graphics” and “3D” for the first half of 2019
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