Building creativity in the television industry: The mediating role of meaning of work
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #2, pp. 347-355
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Creative human resources are becoming urgent amidst development in recent decades. The television industry has been one that faces the challenge with the emergence of new platforms offering variety and ease of information. Hence this study aims to test the direct effect of perceived organizational support on employee creativity and the mediation role of the meaning of work. This study was conducted on Net Mediatama Television, a private television company, specifically among employees working in the content department, since this division constantly needs creativity to develop concepts and create a broadcast program. Data from 70 respondents were collected through online questionnaires and analyzed with the PLS technique. The results confirmed that perceived organizational support and meaning of work are relevant factors that directly stimulate and enhance employee creativity. The mediating role of work meaning for perceived organizational support and creativity was also proven significant. This indicates that employees who get organizational support have a strong meaning towards work so that their level of creativity increases. Based on these findings, organizations can formulate strategic steps to increase employee creativity by focusing on organizational support and meaningfulness in work.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, L82, M54
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Table 1. Outer model evaluation
- Table 2. Inner model evaluation
- Table A1. Perceived organizational support
- Table A2. Meaning of work
- Table A3. Employee creativity
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