Assessment of the competitive environment of the health insurance market
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 541-549
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The main purpose of this investigation is to distinguish the problematic tendencies of the health insurance market development in Ukraine and the competitive positions of the leading insurance companies on it. Accordingly, the issues of complex analysis of key indicators of the insurers’ competitiveness, and the issues of establishing the factors that determine the level of competition in the market become very urgent. The first 30 insurers out of 50 were taken for the study, and they received about 90% of insurance premiums for voluntary health insurance in Ukraine in 2017. The authors have made the assessment of the competitive environment of the health insurance market of Ukraine using the concentration index and the indicator of market competition, which resulted in defining the advantages and disadvantages of their application. Taking into account that the abovementioned indicators for assessing the competition in the insurance market can provide only approximate results, which indicates the inadequacy of the conclusions about the effectiveness of business processes management on it, the authors offered a scientific methodological approach to assessing the market environment with the use of an integrated indicator of the voluntary health insurance market competitiveness. Herewith, such an integrated indicator is calculated in terms of three segments of the market: sickness insurance; voluntary medical insurance (continuous health insurance); medical expenses insurance, simultaneously taking into account the behavior of two indicators – concentration and market competition. As a result of the research, it was found that the highest level of market concentration is typical for sickness insurance and it indicates a high monopoly in the market in terms of this segment. Thus, the integrated indicator allows to make a comprehensive investigation of market behavior of the market participants and to reveal the problematic tendencies of its competitive environment.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I11, I13, I15
- Table 1. Concentration indicators of the voluntary health insurance market with pointing out its components according to the selected criteria (as of January 1, 2018), %
- Table 2. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index in the voluntary health insurance market, calculated on the basis of insurance premiums and payments (as of January 1, 2018)
- Table 3. Competitiveness indicators of the voluntary health insurance market (continuous health insurance, medical expenses insurance and sickness insurance) in 2017
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