Digital distribution of hospitality services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Article InfoVolume 3 2020-2021, Issue #1, pp. 34-44
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The rapid implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of society resulted from the evolution of consumer needs and IT breakthroughs, the acceleration of which was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns restricted physical contacts in customer service, highlighting the urgent need to digitize the business. The difficulties in predicting socio-economic conditions of the pandemic have led to new opportunities and mechanisms for the distribution of services and the formation of economic stress resilience of economic entities. The study aims to reveal the essence of the digital distribution of hospitality services in the conditions of uncertainty caused by COVID-19. The study of services digital distribution gives awareness of the possibilities of their implementation in the activities of hospitality entities, which were considered in the context of business security and development drivers during COVID-19. To achieve the study’s goal, a comprehensive approach to the essence of digital technologies, including those specific to hospitality entities, was used. The results of the analysis allowed stating the economic feasibility of direct sales channels. In addition, prerequisites for the collaboration of hospitality entities with digital channels were determined, recommendatory markers of optimal relations with distributors using digital innovations in business were formed. Further, business strategy development took into account the peculiarities of mixing the niches of competition of business entities in digital format and traditional competition.
The paper shows the author’s results within the frameworks of the study, performed in 2021−2023 at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics at the request of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Digital transformation of trade, economic and tourist systems in Ukraine” (state registration number 0121U112231) and “Forecasting the impact of the tourism system on the country’s economy” (state registration number 0122U001559).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М31, L83, О33
- Figure 1. Key digital technologies in the hospitality industry
- Figure 2. Types of online distribution channels for hospitality services
- Figure 3. Dynamics of operational activity indicators of brand distributors
- Figure 4. Fulfillment of digital technologies in the distribution system of hospitality services
- Table 1. The comparison of and OTA capabilities in hospitality services distribution
- Table 2. Ranking positions of hospitality distribution platforms
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