Quality of working life and inequality: gender consideration


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The paper explores the impact of gender inequality on the quality of working life and analyzes the processes and factors that shape gender issues in Ukraine. The aim of the study is to assess gender inequality in the process of labor potential and human capital implementation, develop measures that would solve gender inequality problems in employment, and justify the positive impact of the proposed measures on the quality of working life. To achieve the abovementioned goal, statistical data and public opinion polls, which formed the basis of the proposed methods for solving the identified problems, have been analyzed. Determinants of gender inequality have been identified, the main of which are the gender wage gap, gender structure of employment imbalance, inequality of women’s access to decent work due to gender stereotypes, and imperfect control mechanisms for gender-sensitive statistics. Possible approaches of the state`s gender policy to achieve gender balance have been identified and expanded through a set of measures that would include improving the mechanism for controlling gender-sensitive statistical data in the form of monitoring at the organizational and state levels, budget planning with due consideration of gender dimension. The author’s vision of the content and essence of gender policy at the institutional level in the context of transformation of values and gender culture of society has been shared.

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    • Figure 1. Співвідношення заробітної плати жінок і чоловіків у 2013–2018 рр., %
    • Figure 2. Рівень зайнятості жінок і чоловіків у 2004–2018 рр., %
    • Figure 3. Основні сфери зайнятості жінок в Україні за професійними групами в 2018 р.
    • Figure 4. Переважаючі сфери зайнятості жінок в Україні за професійними групами у 2018 р.
    • Figure 5. Особливості розподілу домашніх обов’язків у домогосподарствах України
    • Conceptualization
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Data curation
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Methodology
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Project administration
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Resources
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Supervision
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Writing – original draft
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Writing – review & editing
      Ivan Riabokon