Digital economy and digital employment appearence
Article InfoVolume 10 2020, Issue #2, pp. 10-20
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The article reveals the central role of information and communication technologies in the economy of the country, which have long become an important component of each person’s life and is a defining characteristic of digital transformation. The basis of digitalization is the digital presentation of data, which leads to better quality of life and economic efficiency of the individual country and the world as a whole. The article analyzes the specific features of digital economy and stipulates the consistency of creating the digital employment. It has been determined that the development of the digital economy and digital technologies leads to changes in all spheres of human life, predominantly in employment relations, manifested in the appearance of digital workplaces, workers with digital competencies, specific relations in the digital segment of labor market. The results of the work in the digital segment are the technologies, products, and services, some of which are analyzed in the article (eHealth, digital insurance, e-security, e-rights and e-technical passport, smart cities, SmartFactory – smart production, digital workplace, blockchain, “GAFAnomy”). In the digitalization process, the employment acquires the multivector flexibility, and has both positive and negative consequences. Taking these consequences into consideration is necessary for regulating the economic and social sphere.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)A19, A21, J21, J49, O30
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