Assessment of the level of local budget financial decentralization: Case of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 9 2020, Issue #1, pp. 34-47
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Further improvement of financial relations at the local level and the development of local budgets take place in the context of financial decentralization. This implies strengthening the role of local governments in attracting necessary financial resources to ensure socio-economic development of territories. The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact of decentralization on the state of local budgets and to develop a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the level of financial decentralization of local budgets using the example of Ukraine for 2010–2019. The developed methodology consists of six successive stages. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of indicators of local budget execution in Ukraine in terms of revenues, expenditures and transfers using an integrated index obtained through taxonomic analysis is conducted. As a result of evaluating the effectiveness of the basic principles of financial decentralization, the expediency of calculating the integrated index of local budget financial decentralization is substantiated. This index is formed using intermediate indicators of autonomy to cover expenses and generate income both on the basis of own sources and taking into account the received state transfers for the implementation of their own and delegated powers of local governments. The implementation of the proposed method allow one to assess the levels of financial decentralization of local budgets to establish the degree of financial autonomy and financial self-sufficiency of the territories. The results obtained should be considered when determining the effectiveness of financial support for local budgets in the process of socio-economic development of regions.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H72, H79
- Figure 1. A scorecard of local budget financial decentralization
- Figure 2. Algorithm for determining the level of local budget financial decentralization
- Figure 3. Comparison of local budget revenues and expenditures in Ukraine and the EU for the period 2010–2019 (surplus (+) / deficit (–))
- Figure 4. Dynamics of general indices of local budget decentralization in Ukraine and EU countries for 2010–2019
- Figure 5. Dynamics of the decentralization index of local budget expenditures in Ukraine for 2010–2019
- Figure 6. Dynamics of the index of local budget revenue decentralization in Ukraine for 2010–2019
- Figure 7. Dynamics of the level of local budgets’ financial sustainability in Ukraine by transfers for 2010–2019
- Table 1. Generally accepted indicators of the state and development of local budgets
- Table 2. The level of local budget financial decentralization in Ukraine for 2010–2019, %
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