Unlocking barriers and strategies of halal certification for micro and small enterprises in Indonesia: Analytic network process approach
Received September 30, 2024;Accepted January 15, 2025;Published January 27, 2025
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Article InfoVolume 23 2025, Issue #1, pp. 169-180
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to identify and prioritize the barriers and strategies to improve halal certification accessibility for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia. The paper utilized the analytic network process (ANP) to model interrelationships among barriers and strategies. Data were collected through structured interviews and surveys involving representatives from halal certification bodies (e.g., BPJPH), government agencies (e.g., DKUM Depok), and experts from academia specializing in halal certification and MSE development. The findings highlight three major barriers: financial constraints, regulatory complexities, and limited awareness among MSE owners. Financial constraints include high certification fees and costs associated with compliance. Regulatory complexities stem from the intricate procedures and bureaucratic inefficiencies in the certification process, which deter small businesses from participating. Additionally, limited awareness and understanding of halal certification’s importance and procedures exacerbate the problem, particularly among MSEs in rural or underdeveloped regions. Financial support, regulatory reforms, and educational programs emerged as the most critical strategies for overcoming these barriers. Specifically, reducing certification fees and simplifying regulatory procedures were deemed essential to increase the uptake of halal certification among MSEs. By integrating actionable insights, this study provides a roadmap for policymakers to foster a supportive ecosystem for MSEs in the halal economy. The recommendations emphasize a balanced approach that combines financial assistance, regulatory reforms, and educational initiatives to address the multifaceted barriers. This analysis contributes to the broader discourse on enhancing MSE participation in the halal market, offering implications for both local and international stakeholders seeking to optimize the halal certification process.
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI) for providing financial support for this investigation. This study would not have been possible without their generous funding and commitment to advancing research in Indonesia. We also extend our appreciation to all the respondents and participants who contributed valuable insights and data for this study, as well as to the institutions involved for their support and collaboration.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, M38, K23, O17
- Figure 1. ANP model to determine significant factors for increasing halal certification among MSEs
- Figure 2. Cluster priorities
- Table 1. Theoretical framework for the adoption of halal certification factors
- Table 2. Normalized data processing
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Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Faizi, Fadhli Suko Wiryanto, Widarto Rachbini, Suryani
Data curation
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Fadhli Suko Wiryanto, Widarto Rachbini, Suryani
Formal Analysis
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Faizi
Funding acquisition
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Faizi, Widarto Rachbini, Suryani
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Faizi, Fadhli Suko Wiryanto
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Widarto Rachbini, Suryani
Project administration
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Faizi, Fadhli Suko Wiryanto
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Faizi, Fadhli Suko Wiryanto
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni
Writing – original draft
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Prima Dwi Priyatno, Faizi
Writing – review & editing
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Fadhli Suko Wiryanto, Widarto Rachbini, Suryani
Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies in business organization: a conceptual view
Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun , Md. Nazmul Hasan doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.15(1).2017.06Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 63-71 Views: 16491 Downloads: 7079 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯ“Employee turnover” as an expression is broadly used in business organization. Despite the fact that several studies have been performed on this topic, little research has been conducted on examining the causes and leading factors of turnover as well, as advising some feasible approaches, which can be applied by bosses to ensure that employees will continue in their respective organizations to enhance organizational effectiveness and productivity. The main purpose of this study is to determine the reasons and key factors in the perspectives of the relevant literature and identify to the intention of employee turnover. This conceptual paper also suggests various possible strategies on how to minimize the turnover and retain employees in the organizations. Hence, the paper has proposed a conceptual framework that shows the major variables in explaining the phenomenon of employee turnover and addressing sound retention strategies to handle these issues.
Barriers to effective value chain management in developing countries: new insights from the cotton industrial value chain
Arthur Mapanga, Collins Ogutu Miruka , Nehemiah Mavetera doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.03
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 22-35 Views: 2623 Downloads: 860 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA rigorous and extensive application of the value chain management (VCM) has become the vogue in modern day business practices and processes. However, due to the complex and multidimensional nature of value chains, achieving efficient and effective value chain management in real value chains remains a major conundrum for practitioners. Many unknown barriers continue to impede effective and efficient value chain management in developing countries’ industrial value chains. The purpose of this study was to find out the common barriers to effective value chain management in a developing country’s industrial value chains using evidence from the cotton industry in Zimbabwe. The analysis was based on survey data sets obtained from 157 purposively sampled experts from the cotton industry value chain in Zimbabwe. Exploratory factor analysis was used to find the barriers to effective value chain management. The results revealed both architectural and governance barriers to effective value chain management. The findings also presented major policy implications for industrial value chains in the developing countries and also indicated areas for further robust research founded on a broader data set from other developing countries’ industrial chains as a way of validating the findings of this study.
Regulating Big Data effects in the European insurance market
Insurance Markets and Companies Volume 8, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 6-15 Views: 2203 Downloads: 386 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article analyzes the regulatory framework in the insurance market in connection with the advent of Big Data, such as information collected from different sources that can be manipulated by new technologies. The use of Big Data offers significant opportunities to the insurance companies in terms of digitization of the distribution channels and greater knowledge of the customers, which is instrumental to a more effective identification of the individual’s risk profile, as well as improvement of the competitiveness. However, regulatory measures are needed for a proper use of Big Data in terms of respect of the individual privacy, potential discrimination and constraint on competition.