The impact of transport routes on Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex considering ESG approaches


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This study aims to investigate the relationship between environmental sustainability, social development, and governance within Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex. The paper applies econometric modeling and statistical analysis to assess these relationships and provide strategic recommendations for sustainable development. A dataset from 2013 to 2023, sourced from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was utilized to assess the influence of transit routes and agriculture on ESG performance. Principal component analysis (PCA) and regression modeling identified three key components – environmental (84.3%), social (98.4%), and governance (88.33%) – as significant contributors to ESG variability. The results demonstrate that transit flows positively affect environmental and governance indicators (β = 0.266, p = 0.050), while agro-industrial activity has mixed effects: improved social sustainability but increased environmental pressure. The combined impact of transit corridors and the agro-industrial complex provides a more comprehensive explanation of ESG variability (R² = 0.998), reinforcing the need for integrated policy approaches. The findings highlight the strategic importance of aligning transit infrastructure and agro-industrial development with ESG frameworks. This paper contributes to the discourse on sustainable development by offering practical insights for policymakers on optimizing logistics and agricultural strategies to promote ESG adoption, particularly in agriculture-dependent economies.

This study is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Strategy of structural and technological modernization of the basic sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on ESG: criteria, mechanisms and forecast scenarios” BR24993089).

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    • Figure 1. Trans-Eurasian trade and logistics network
    • Figure 2. North and Latin America’s collective shipment weight volume
    • Figure 3. Network of PCA components/subcomponents
    • Table 1. Overview of measurement variables
    • Table 2. Chi-squared test of ESG subcomponents
    • Table 3. Component loadings for the environmental component
    • Table 4. Component loadings for the social component
    • Table 5. Component loadings for the governmental component
    • Table 6. Chi-squared test for ESG
    • Table 7. Component loadings of ESG
    • Table 8. Model fitness
    • Table 9. ANOVA results
    • Table 10. Coefficients
    • Table 11. Hypotheses results
    • Conceptualization
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Laszlo Vasa
    • Data curation
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Laszlo Vasa, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Formal Analysis
      Aliya Akhmet, Laszlo Vasa, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Investigation
      Aliya Akhmet, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Laszlo Vasa, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Methodology
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Laszlo Vasa
    • Project administration
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Laszlo Vasa
    • Resources
      Aliya Akhmet, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Validation
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov
    • Visualization
      Aliya Akhmet, Laszlo Vasa, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Writing – original draft
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Laszlo Vasa
    • Writing – review & editing
      Aliya Akhmet, Elvira Nurekenova, Laszlo Vasa
    • Funding acquisition
      Elvira Nurekenova, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Laszlo Vasa, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Software
      Elvira Nurekenova, Laszlo Vasa, Madina Rakhimberdinova
    • Supervision
      Elvira Nurekenova, Nurbakhyt Nurmukhametov, Laszlo Vasa